Topical issue: intensifying cooperation with the People’s Republic of China
Topical issue: intensifying cooperation with the People’s Republic of China
15 липня 2021 року
On July 15, 2021, the conference hall of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University hosted the international education conference “One Belt – One Road”, which was held under the auspices of the Ukrainian-Chinese Trade Association.
The conference was attended by over 30 representatives of different higher educational institutions of Ukraine and the People’s Republic of China: Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, National Academy of Fine Arts and Architecture, National Aerospace University “Kharkiv Aviation Institute”, R. Glier Kyiv Municipal Academy of Music, as well as Caofeidian Vocational and Technical College (PRC). The Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy of NULES was represented by Associate Professor T. Danylova (the Department of Philosophy and International Communication), Associate Professor N. Olkhovska (the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation) and Associate Professor O. Osnach (the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences).
A kind of introductory part of the conference was signing the constituent documents of the Ukrainian-Chinese Educational Alliance including several Ukrainian and Chinese educational institutions. The event took place in parallel in Kyiv and Beijing, communication among the participants being provided via video link.
The main part of the conference began with speeches by Professor D. Lukyanenko (Rector of Vadym Hetman Kyiv National Economic University), T. Holub (Prime Minister’s adviser on European and Euro-Atlantic Integration of Ukraine) and Chen Zhong Feng (President of the Ukrainian-Chinese Trade Association). These speeches met with great interest and enthusiasm by all participants set the tone for the further course of the conference, outlining the main thematic areas of discussion: both general and more specific aspects and prospects of cooperation between Ukraine and the People’s Republic of China, including higher and vocational education, student exchange, investment, in particular in education, etc. The topic of the conference is especially relevant in the light of our top
leadership’s recent steps in the international arena, which showed a clear trend in Ukraine’s foreign policy to intensify relations with China.
In conclusion, it should be noted that the conference was held at a high organizational and scientific level with great interest in the topics discussed and was
of particular importance for those interested in world politics and international relations.
Oleksiy Osnach, Associate Professor of the Department of
International Relations and Social Sciences