Virtual EAAE Pre-Congress Symposium

15 липня 2021, 13:14
19 July 2021, zoom

   19 July 2021 - In the run-up to XVI EAAE Congress, a virtual pre-congress symposium “Large Scale Agriculture in Transition and Developed Economies: Organizational and Societal Issues” will take place on July 19, 2021, from 14:00-18:00 CEST.

   Being motivated by continued research on the development of agroholdings and mega farms over the recent years, this symposium represents a summary event of the project International Competence Center on Large Scale Agriculture (LaScalA) funded by Leibniz Association and implemented by Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO) in cooperation with 14 international research partners.

   The agenda of the symposium includes two sessions with research papers on the growth and performance of agroholdings, as well as institutional frameworks and societal impacts of agroholdings in Czech Republic, Germany, Kazakhstan, Romania, Russia, and Ukraine, where such farms have evolved and operate under very different policy regimes. The new knowledge and understanding gained from these papers lead to a formulation of the research agenda on the development of agroholdings and mega-farms in transition and developed economies.

   The event is jointly organized by Food and Agricultural Policy Research Institute, University of Missouri (USA), Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO, Germany), and International Institute of Social Studies, Erasmus University of Rotterdam (ISS, The Netherlands).

   Registration is free of charge and open until July 16 under the link. Symposium agenda and further details can be found here.

   To join the pre-congress symposium, you do not need to be registered for the EAAE main conference.

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