Participation of the Production and Investment Management Department in international conferences from the ERASMUS + project

22 травня 2021, 14:00

Within the framework of EU Green Week 2021 Partner Event and implementation of Jean Monnet projects - JN Project "EU Values of Diversity and Inclusion for Sustainable Development" and JM Chair "Social and Cultural Aspects of EU Studies" the Production and Investment Management Department of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine co-organized a 3-day International Conference "Value-oriented sustainable development of education: EU lessons for Ukraine", in particular in the organization of a round table "Environmental responsibility in the educational space".


The guests of the round table were both international and domestic scientists who shared their own experience in training specialists in terms of sustainable development and on the basis of environmental responsibility. For example, Patrizia Gazzola, Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, spoke about the possibilities of project activities in the formation of environmentally responsible youth and the experience of student participation in projects that develops practical skills.


Alina Sviechkina - Doctor of Philosophy in Natural Resources and Environmental Management, Department of Management, University of Haifa, shared her experience in training third-level specialists in Israel and the peculiarities of organizing research environmental projects.


Head of the Production and Investment Management Department of NULES of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lidiia V. Shynkaruk stressed the importance of the economic consequences of environmental changes. There was also agreed on areas of cooperation between the University of Haifa and NULES of Ukraine and the possibility of joint project activities in terms of environmental and economic research.


The peculiarities of training environmentally responsible specialists of different educational levels in Ukraine were also discussed.

Scientists from the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, the National Pedagogical University named after M. Drahomanov, the National Aviation University, the University of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine and other free economic zones identified the importance of forming environmental awareness among the students of different specialties as a necessary value and tool for the development of the state in terms of sustainable development.

We look forward to our next meetings!

Maryna Dielini,
round table moderator,
Professor of the Production and
Investment Management department

Translated by Kateryna Alekseieva

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