Creative approaches of young people to the issues of future development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine

23 квітня 2021 року

On April 22, 2021, the V International Scientific and Practical Conference of Students, Postgraduates and Young Scientists "The Role of Youth in the Development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine" was organized by the Production and Investment Management Department of the Faculty of Agrarian Management and the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of the Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy. The conference was co-organized by the Pomorsk Academy (Slupsk, Poland), Haifa University (Israel), Center for Business Innovation and Transformation, Kyiv Higher Educational Institution "Kyiv Mechanical and Technological College", Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna.

It should be noted that this conference has already become a tradition and is held annually in the spring. The event is attended not only by students from NULES of Ukraine, but also from other institutions of higher education, representatives of various youth organizations. This year because of the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the conference "The role of youth in the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine" was held remotely and reaffirmed that one of the most important tasks now is to listen to young people aspects of economic and social development, in particular the development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine. The wrong approach is to build a strategy for the future, remaining in the dimensions of the past. Moving forward is possible only in the process of ensuring the relationship between the generations.

The conference moderator, Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lidiia Shynkaruk, addressed the audience with a welcoming speech. Lidiia Shynkaruk thanked the co-organizers of the conference and invited the Vice-Rector for Research and Innovation, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor Vadym M. Kondratyuk to speak.

Vadym Kondratyuk congratulated the organizers and participants of the conference on behalf of the Rector of NULES of Ukraine, Academician of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Stanislav M. Nikolaenko wishing success in the work and "lively discussion" on the development of Ukraine. According to Vadym Kondratyuk, all the results of the work of the scientists of the NULES of Ukraine should be issued in the form of certificates and brought to public administration for their practical implementation. This is the only way for everyone who cares about development of Ukraine.

Then Maryna M. Popatenko, Deputy Minister of Youth and Sports of Ukraine, addressed the conference participants with a welcoming speech. Ms. Marina expressed her gratitude for the opportunity to join the conference and noted that young people are a "great value."

The next to greet the conference participants was the Acting Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences, Associate Professor Inna M. Savitska. In her opinion, the effective functioning and development of the agricultural sector requires significant action. It is nice that young people are joining the research. The conference "The Role of Youth in the Development of the agro-industrial complex of Ukraine" is being held once again by the two faculties, at which topical issues of development are raised, in particular, a wide range of issues related to sustainable development is discussed. According to Inna Savitska, the conference is a platform for cooperation between experienced scientists and young researchers who are just testing themselves in the scientific field.

Anatolii Ostapchuk, Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, sincerely congratulated the organizers and participants of the conference. In his speech, he was pleased to announce that according to the Forbes lists published in April of this year, the Faculty of Agrarian Management was included in the TOP-10 faculties in the field of Management, which is a great achievement. Then Anatolii Ostapchuk focused the attention of those present at the conference on the fact that the agricultural sector is a priority for the development of Ukraine. Today the main task is to change Ukraine for the better, but a large number of young people are leaving Ukraine in search of happiness abroad. Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Management Anatolii Ostapchuk reminded that young people are the main contributors to the most important historical events in the development of independent Ukraine, in particular the "Revolution on Granite", "Orange Revolution", "Revolution of Dignity". Young people are always a catalyst for change, and we need to constantly work to provide opportunities for young people, including in the agricultural sector.

After the official part, the moderator of the conference, the head of the Production and Investment Management Department Lidiia Shynkaruk announced the schedule of speeches and the agenda of the event. She also addressed Iryna V. Sopivnyk, acting Head of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of NULES of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor for assistance in moderating the event.

Marina Popatenko, an expert on youth policy, was invited to speak. She thoroughly reported on the priorities of youth policy in modern conditions.

Commenting on the report of Ms. Maryna Popatenko, Lidiia Shynkaruk noted that the Production and Investment Management Department has been developing projects for five years.

The discussion was joined by Acting Head of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation Iryna Sopivnyk. She noted that the process of creating a student social service which will integrate the efforts of many higher education institutions, has begun on the basis of the department. The leader of the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation also asked about the possibility of training future youth workers on the basis of the existing specialty "Social Work".

After that the students were granted the possibility to speak on different aspects of their research.

Concluding the conference, the head of the Production and Investment Management Department Lidiia Shynkaruk wished everyone success and called to study project management at the Production and Investment Management Department, educational program "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects".

In conclusion, it should be emphasized once again that the role of youth in economic development in general, and the development of the agricultural sector in particular, is constantly growing. Only by listening to the opinions of the younger generation, it is possible to form specific strategic guidelines for the future. This task is possible through the organization of events similar to the conference "The Role of Youth in the Development of agro-industrial complex of Ukraine".

The concept of inter-departmental and inter-faculty format of the conference allows us to talk about a non-standard and comprehensive approach to solving the problems of agriculture. That is why we sincerely wish the departments to continue on the chosen path, uniting scientists with their knowledge and experience and young people with their new attitude to life.




Kateryna Alekseieva,
Associate Professor of the Production
and Investment management Department;

Olena Varava,
senior lecturer of the Department of
social work and rehabilitation

Translated by K. Alekseieva

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