Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Bioeconomy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine took part in the round table "Support for organic production in Ukraine the mechanism of 2021 and new promising areas."

24 квітня 2021 року

   On-line round table "Support for organic production in Ukraine: the mechanism of 2021 and new promising areas" was held on April 13, 2021 by the Federation of Organic Movement of Ukraine together with the Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture. The event was supported by the project "German-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of organic agriculture" and the Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher and Professional Higher Education.
   Among 150 representatives from all regions of Ukraine, including producers of organic products, representatives of departments (offices) of agro-industrial development of regional state administrations from 23 areas, as well as public organizations and representatives of international projects, staff of the Educational and Scientific Laboratory of Bioeconomy, National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine took part in the event.
   During the event, the draft Procedure for the use of funds provided in the state budget for supporting organic agricultural production in 2021 was presented, the experience and possible ways to support organic producers in the future were discussed. The discussion presented practical tips for the effective implementation of regional support for organic production in Ukraine, as well as experience in supporting organic farming in Germany.


Olena Koval,

Ph.D in Economics, Associate Professor

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