The Fifth All-Ukrainian competition of students’ projects "From idea to success" as a platform for creative youth

14 квітня 2021, 10:00

On April 14, 2021, the Fifth All-Ukrainian competition of students’ projects "From idea to success" was held annually by the Production and Investment Management Department of the Faculty of Agrarian Management of NULES of Ukraine within the master's program "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects". The participants of the competition are talented and ambitious young people from all over Ukraine, and the members of the jury have traditionally been business representatives who can really assess the relevance and quality of project development.

The competition was opened by the Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Lydiia Shynkaruk, who greeted all participants and stressed their business professionals.

Welcoming remarks were made by the Head of the Research Department of NULES of Ukraine, Doctor of Agrarian Sciences, Professor Volodymyr Otchenashko, who conveyed congratulations and wished of success to all participants on behalf of the Rector of the University, Academician, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Stanislav Nikolaenko. Volodymyr Otchenashko also noted the importance of holding such events for the development of young people and their mastering the project skills.

The welcoming speech was joined by the director of the Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute of KNTEU, Doctor of Economics, Professor Anatoliy Vdovichen. The Institute was by the way a partner in this competition. Anatoliy Vdovichen stressed the need for further cooperation, which promoted the development of modern youth and stimulated to seek new ideas and ways to implement them.

Members of the jury, including Dmytro Morgun, director of the Effect Marketing advertising agencyMaryna Myrynda, owner of the Fizo project, Yevhen Bondarenko, acting director of the All-Ukrainian Youth Center, also addressed the participants with a farewell speech and wished them success. Natalia Shuprudko (Director of FlorAclub Picnic Restaurant), Volodymyr Dziobak (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the First All-Ukrainian Credit Union (PVKS)), Oksana Rozputna (Manager of Educational Programs for Social Startups, Ukrainian Social Academy), Volodymyr Otchenashko from the research part of the NULES of Ukraine, Anna Dergach (PhD in Public Administration, Senior Lecturer of the Production and Investment Management Department of NULES of Ukraine).



The competition was divided into 2 rounds, the first of which was held on April 12, 2021. More information about the first tour is provided at the link.

There were 30 participants from 5 new universities. Among them there were representatives of the NULES of Ukraine, the National Aviation University, the Donetsk State University of Management (Mariupol), the Chernivtsi Trade and Economic Institute of the KNTEU, the Institute of Law and Economics. As participants of the NULES of Ukraine acted both students of the master's program "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects" and representatives of other faculties (Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogy and Faculty of Design and Engineering) where teachers of the Production and Investment Management Department teached disciplines "Organization of project activities", "Fundamentals business design "and" Management of social projects ".



All presented projects differed in their creativity, individual approach to development and implementation and were implemented at a high level.

The first place was taken by two projects. One of them - "Creative space 380 volts" by Lafazan Ivan was an existing project in the Donetsk region which aimed to help residents of Kurakhovo. The project provoked a lively discussion, and its developer received suggestions of support from the jury members on possible areas for further cooperation.

The second project which took the first place was Olga Unguryan's project on making nut paste, which interested the members of the jury as future consumers of that product and impressed with the validity of their calculations.


The works that took the honorable second place were the project of social entrepreneurship for the production of a device "Freedom" by Yaroslav Okhrimenko, the project of affordable food delivery service for students "Easy Fast Food" by Krasnoshtan Alexander and Potapenko Arthur, as well as business plan for the opening of a florist shop from Ryzhana Ruslana. In addition to their relevance, the projects also have a high level of calculations and marketing research, which allows to confirm the possibilities of their development.


The third place was taken by the projects of Aksinti Voronka Vitor for the production of SENSEI 3D PRINT products which was gaining acute relevance in the modern world, Larysa Bykhovchenko (project "58 kilometers") which solved the real demand of a certain part of society. Kozel Victoria (EWS, Education, Work and Study) which aimed to overcome an important socio-economic problem of unemployment. All projects proved their validity and feasibility with the above calculations and market research.


Also two projects were presented in the nominations "Best Technical Project" and "Best Social Project". They were "Mobile Workshop" by Rubanka Albert, which would improve the technical component of the engines and "Help for homeless children" by Taran Tatiana on possible ways to solve the acute social problem of our society.


Competition program

You can get acquainted with the projects at the link:

Summing up the results of the competition, the jury noted the relevance, importance and high level of preparation of all submitted works. Business representatives noted the diverse nature of the presented projects, expressed a desire for further cooperation with a similar format of work with students and willingness to support young startups, which was confirmed in the prizes from the jury. Thus, Dmytro Morgun presented a personal consultation on the development of a media plan for the project, Myrynda Maryna promised an individual consultation on the project, and Yevhen Bondarenko provided an opportunity to do an internship with 3 participating students at the All-Ukrainian Youth Center.

The competitors thanked the jury for an objective assessment, advice, prizes and invitations to cooperation and teachers of the Production and Investment Management Department for a professional approach to teaching subjects, assistance in project development, and personally Lidiia Shynkaruk for support of young people in the most promising field, i.e. in project management.

Summing up, Lidiia Shynkaruk invited everyone to enter the master's program "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects".

The results of the competition show that our statement "Invest in your education today to have a successful and secure future tomorrow" will not lose its relevance!



Shynkaruk L.,
head of the Production and Investment
Management department

Dielini M., Dergach A.,
teachers of the department

Translated by Alekseieva K.






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