How ordinary social groups turn into high-performance teams

22 березня 2021 року
The lecture within the OPENFAM cycle was devoted to acquaintance of interested schoolchildren with another discipline of the curriculum for training bachelors of specialty "Management" at the Faculty of Agrarian Management at NUBIP of Ukraine - "TEAM Management". The lecture was hold by associate professor of the Department of Management named after Prof. J.S. Zavadskyi Oleksandr Novak.
From the very beginning of the meeting the speaker pointed out the urgency of establishing teamwork in any team. And in recent years economic and managerial forums around the world have constantly emphasized the need to form both managers and ordinary employees the ability to interact in a team.
Oleksandr emphasized  that the basic regularities and rules for establishing team cooperation in any teams are substantiated by modern management science. To achieve extraordinary results of teamwork, it is necessary to overcome several difficult stages of team development, each of which has its own challenges and threats. 
етапи розвитку команди
Thus, determining team goals at the stage of team creation is an extremely important task. Smart technique can be a universal technique of whole-forming in a team. 
смарт 2
Another important task is to determine the roles in the team for each of its members. In this case, the lecturer offered to use the classification of roles according to Belbin. Today, the methods of diagnosing the abilities of a particular person to perform certain roles in a team have been developed, and therefore such research should be carried out immediately after, or even before the creation of the team. 
ролі в команді_Белбін
In the process of the team's work, the development of rules of interaction between team members and the development of team culture is decisive. Although there are a number of universal rules recommended by researchers for communication and team collaboration, the main thing is the participation of all team members in the development of these rules, their approval and modification.
культура команди
At the end of the meeting, the lecturer drew attention to the important fundamental basis of teamwork and modern business in general – compliance with a client-oriented approach in interaction not only with the consumer in the market, but also in establishing similar relationships with colleagues. "Only a satisfied internal client can ensure the satisfaction of an external client," said management guru Robert Kaplan.
Summing up, Oleksandr Novak sad that management is a complex, interesting and responsible activity that should take place on a scientific basis and be carried out by the most trained and talented people, and also invited all students present, mainly members of the Small Academy of Sciences, to study at the Faculty of Agrarian Management, where he promised to continue the conversation.
Tatyana Balanovska,
Head of Department of Management
 named after Prof. J. S. Zavadskyi
Translated by Tetiana Artiukh 


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