Адреса: 03040, Kyiv, Vasylkivska str., 17, educational building № 6
Тел.: (044) 257-33-10
Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Department Chair:
Yermolenko Volodymyr Mykhailovych
Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine
The first head of chair was a leading legal scholar, founder of the Agricultural Law School of Ukraine, Doctor of Law, Professor, Academician of the Academy of Legal of Ukraine V.Yanchuk.
Today the department is headed by Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Full Professor, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine Yermolenko Volodymyr Mykhailovych.
In its work the chair cooperates with:
- other chairs of the University - to identify and implement interdisciplinary connections, experience sharing of the educational process, the use of educational and scientific base, carrying out complex researches;
- ESI - as a governing body since the chair is accountable to it in all areas of activity;
- The law department- on issues of the educational process in educational and professional programs and curriculum training of relevant areas, specialties and specializations;
- educational, scientific, administrative and economic units, separated and other parts of the University - in connection with the performance of the relevant functions of the chair and the need to provide current information on the status and prospects of its activities in accordance with the current University procedure.
Scientific work
The estimated results of research work:
- The notion of agrarian property relations in Ukraine has been elaborated;
- Research on budget issue "Legal sustainable development of agricultural production, safety and quality of agricultural products" has been fulfilled;
- Research on budget issue "Development of sustainable rural development " has been fulfilled.
The Chair of Agricultural, land and environmental law named after. Academician V. Yanchuk trains postgraduate students in specialty: 081 - "law".