Faculty of Information Technologies



On April 15-16, 2021, the VII International Conference "Digital Education in Environmental Universities" will take place at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.

Key topic: Features of the organization of digital education in agrarian universities in a pandemic condition

During the conference, discussions are planned on the formation of key competencies and training of highly qualified specialists in agrarian universities in a pandemic, which will be attended by representatives of agrarian universities of Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Armenia and others.

The founders of the conference are the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine and the Wroclaw University of Environmental Sciences and Life.



1. Tools and models of cooperation university, business and science;

2. Virtual resources and services for e-learning natural sciences;

3. E-environment of higher educational institutions.

The conference materials will be distributed in electronic format, as well as in printed form.

Contacts, publication requirements and registration: https://nubip.edu.ua/en/node/8734/6

Materials presented at the conference can be published at the choice of the author in:

  • Е-collection of conference materials «Digital Education in Agrarian Universities»;
  • electronic collection of scientific papers «Advances in Educational Technology».

The Organizing Committee reserves the right to reject materials that do not meet the requirements of the conference. 


Program DEEU 16.20 Apr 

Guidelines for participants to join the online conference







Submission of articles for publication in «Advances in Educational Technology» – until 24 January, 2021.

Notification of acceptance or rejection of articles submitted to «Advances in Educational Technology» – until 15 March, 2021.

Submission of final versions of articles to «Advances in Educational Technology» – until 1 April, 2021.

Submission of materials for publication in the printed collection of abstracts «Digital education in agrarian universities» (https://forms.gle/Y2mPyq4FFBpmmaR9A)– until 5 April, 2021.

Registration of conference participants (https://forms.gle/Y2mPyq4FFBpmmaR9A ) – until 5 April, 2021.

The Conference – 15-16 April, 2021.



Submission of articles for publication in «Advances in Educational Technology»

Articles in English in volume from 6 to 10 pages, format of the template CEURART (https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/CEURART.zip), should be submitted as a PDF file at the link https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/ by 24 January, 2021.

To upload an article to the submission system, register at the link https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/newaccount (Create new account), then follow the link https://notso.easyscience.education/aet/2020pp/paper/new (New submission). When filling in the submission fields, be sure to select «Short Papers: Digital education at environmental universities» in response to questions «Which track is your paper submitted to?», and select conference sections (Topics) only from the column «Digital education at environmental universities»

Submission of materials for publication in the electronic collection of conference materials

To submit the application and the extended annotation of the speech, you should fill in the electronic form (https://forms.gle/Y2mPyq4FFBpmmaR9A) by April 5, 2021.

The volume of the extended annotation is 800 text characters. The title of the speech, speakers and an extended abstract should be submitted in English.

After receiving the materials, the organizing committee sends a confirmation letter to the participant by April 10. Participants who have not received confirmation are requested to send an application for participation to the e-mail [email protected].

Conference participants will receive a program and a certificate of participation, as well as a collection of conference materials (in electronic format), which will be sent within two months to the address specified in the registration form.

For additional information, please contact the conference organizing committee by e-mail [email protected].


  • National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine
  • Wroclaw University of Environmental Sciences and Life
  • Institute of Information Technologies and Teaching Aids of the National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine
  • "Agroosvita"
  • Sumy National Agrarian University
  • Tavriya National Agrarian University
  • Vinnytsia National Agrarian University
  • Pomeranian Academy
  • Krakow Pedagogical University
  • Weihenstephan-Triesdorf University of Applied Sciences
  • Armenian National Agrarian University
  • Kazakh Agrarian University
  • Polissya State University 



Organizational committee

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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