Department of Agricultural Machines and System Technologies named after Academician P.M. Vasylenko

History of the department

          The landmark event in the life of the department and development of educational and investigative directions of agricultural machines was the offer of employment in the KPI for the talented scientist and lecturer K.H. Schindler with the proposal of teaching the course "Mechanics" and specialized course of agricultural engineering. K.H. Schindler obtained the post of extraordinary professor of the department of agricultural machines and equipment and worked in the KPI since 1899 till 1911. In 1900 K.H. Schindler created in the KPI the first in the Russian Empire agricultural machines and equipment test station. The functions of machine test station and the principles of its activity defined and developed by K.H. Schindler in the early 1900s are essential even in modern conditions. K.H. Schindler was the first in the modern world practice who prepared and issued in 1902 the fundamental work – atlas of agricultural machines "Woodcut prints, sketches and drawings of machine tools of the modern agriculture". Machine tools from the ancient times till the beginning of the XX century are widely represented in the atlas; it contains 2420 pictures and 56 charts. The generalized experience of manufacture and usage of the agricultural engineering K.H. Schindler depicted in the book “Machines and tools of the modern agriculture” (1904). "Professor K.H. Schindler put on inaccessible level the work of agricultural machines and tools instruction, and also the task of their testing" - such a performance characteristic of K.H. Schindler was done at the meeting of the KPI Board on February 18, 1911.
   The department was lead over the years by: prof. L.P. Kramarenko, prof. P.F. Vovk, academician of VASKhNIL, prof. О.M. Karpenko, academician of VASKhNIL and UAAS, corresponding member of AS of USSR, prof. P.M. Vasylenko, assistant professor P.І. Kondratiuk, assistant professor V.S. Haponenko, assistant professor S.P. Bublyk, assistant professor P.S. Korotkevych, honored employee of public education of USSR, assistant professor of UAAS, prof. D.H. Voitiuk, prof. L.V. Aniskevych, prof. V.H. Myronenko, assistant professor V.B. Onyshchenko, prof. V.V. Tesliuk. Assistant professor Yu.O.Humeniuk is leading the department since June 2016.
  Academician P.М. Vasylenko (1900-1999) is also emblematic person for the department, example of powerful in scientific, comprehensive and human determination of personality. He went through a difficult, complex and at the same time bright, full of rewarding work, creative concepts, ideas, scientific achievements path from a pupil of a four-year school to an outstanding scientist, academician known in our country and abroad.
P.M. Vasylenko worked at the department for 65 years, from 1934 to 1999, 22 years of which he headed the department. He made a significant contribution to the development of agricultural mechanics, mechanization, electrification and automation of agricultural production in Ukraine, training and education of engineering and scientific staff. His scientific works are devoted to solving problems of agricultural mechanics, development of theoretical grounds for improving existing and creation of new designs of agricultural machines, methodology of scientific studies in the field of agricultural machinery, issues of electrification and automation of production processes in agricultural production. Among them, in particular, are such fundamental and well-known books as "The theory of particle motion on the rough surfaces of agricultural machines", "Cultivators", "Automation of agricultural production processes", "Introduction to agricultural mechanics".
   P.М. Vasylenko is the author of more than 200 scientific papers, he prepared 7 Doctors and more than 60 Doctors of Science. Among his pupils are academicians and corresponding members of the NAASU, AESU and Russian Academy of Agrarian Sciences, honored employees of public education of Ukraine and merited scientists and engineers of Ukraine.
Academician P.М. Vasylenko
     Scientific developments of P.M.Vasylenko met the recognition not only in our country, but also in the world: his works issued in France, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, China are cited in the USA. P.M. Vasylenko is one of the first winners of the highest award in the sphere of mechanization and electrification of the agricultural sector – V.P. Horiachkin Gold medal (under No.3). The biography of P.M.Vasylenko entered the seventh edition of International directory of prominent people of the second millennium issued by American Biographical Institute (ABІ). The Department of agricultrural machines and system technologies NUBiP of Ukraine is named after academician P.M. Vasylenko, his name is awarded to Kharkiv Petro Vasylenko National Technical University of Agriculture. Annually the international scientific conferences are held that are dedicated to the memory of P.M.Vasylenko.
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