Department of Agricultural Machines and System Technologies named after Academician P.M. Vasylenko

Адреса: Ukraine, Kyiv - 03041, Heroyiv Oborony st., 12a, building No 7

Тел.: 527-85-37

Електронна пошта: [email protected]

Head of Department:
Yurii O. Gumeniuk

Ph.D., Associate Professor

  Department of agricultrural machines and system technologies named after academician P.M. Vasylenko is one of the oldest departments of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine. The history of the department dates back to 1898, when the Kyiv Polytechnic Institute (KPI) was created and began own activity, among the four departments of which was agricultural faculty with the department of agricultural machines and equipment.
   Professor K.H. Schindler (1898-1911) was the first head of the department. The department was lead over the years by: prof. L.P. Kramarenko, prof. P.F. Vovk, academician of VASKhNIL, prof. О.M. Karpenko, academician of VASKhNIL and UAAS, corresponding member of AS of USSR, prof. P.M. Vasylenko, assistant professor P.І. Kondratiuk, assistant professor V.S. Haponenko, assistant professor S.P. Bublyk, assistant professor P.S. Korotkevych, honored employee of public education of USSR, assistant professor of UAAS, prof. D.H. Voitiuk, prof. L.V. Aniskevych, prof. V.H. Myronenko, assistant professor V.B. Onyshchenko, prof. V.V. Tesliuk. Assistant professor Yu.O.Humeniuk is leading the department since June 2016.    
   Teaching process and scientific work of the department is executed by the group of lecturers and scientific and support staff that contains 3 professors, 7 assistant professors, 1 senior lecturer, 1 teaching assistant, among which there are 2 Doctors of Engineering and 8 PhD in Engineering.
   The scientific activity of the department is focused on solving important scientific and practical issues of plant productivity in Ukraine, in particular:
- application of unmanned field information machines in plant productivity with the development of the theory of constraction of the navigation and control complex MTA and methods of processing complex navigation information (prof. Aniskevych L.V.)
- substantiation of application of tillage systems (No Till, minimum, limited, etc.) on the basis of the method of registration of CO2 content in soil air (prof. Aniskevych L.V.)
- ballistic method of delivery of technological materials in the technologies of precision agriculture (prof. Aniskevych L.V.)
- development of technical and technological principles to increase the work efficiency of seed treaters (Senior lecturer Vechera O.M.)
- application of energy-saving nanotechnologies for intensification of agricultural crops growth using radiation of electromagnetic waves of the EHF-range (prof. Voitiuk D.G., associate prof. Chovniuk Yu.V.)
- development of a centralized seeding of the technological module for ultralight mobile energy means (associate prof. Voliansky M.S.)
- development of an algorithm for adapting the working bodies of tillage machines to changes of soil conditions and properties in the process of its cultivation (associate prof. Gumeniuk Yu.O., associate prof. Kurka V.P.)
- development of spray working bodies for surface application of liquid mineral fertilizers by field sprayers (associate prof. Onyshchenko V.B.)
- delelopment of a working process model of a combine harvester with adaptation to harvesting conditions (associate prof. Smolinsky S.V.)
- development of technical and technological principles for improving the quality of potato harvesters (associate prof. Smolinsky S.V.)
   The main priorities of the department in the modern period of its activity are:
- - development of new, modern and improvement of existing e-learning courses in disciplines;
- improvement and search for new forms and methods of online learning and educational work;
- improvement of forms and methods of career guidance work;
- search for mutually beneficial ways of cooperation with partners in the educational, research and production activities;
- further work on solving important scientific and practical issues of plant productivity mechanization.

   The department, having a highly qualified team of university lecturers and modern equipped training laboratories, provides students with all opportunities to obtain modern knowledge. There is also constant work on improving and perfecting the material and technical base and methodological support of the educational process and bringing them to the level of today’s requirements. The staff of the department consciously and responsibly works in the line with the main task of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine – training of competitive agricultural workers in the labour market.


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