We are preparing to participate in the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research papers in the field of knowledge 21 "Veterinary Medicine", specialty 212 "Veterinary hygiene, sanitation and examination"

18 січня 2021, 10:20

15.01.2021 there was a preliminary hearing of the report of the 1st year student of educational level "Master" Dzyadevych Irina V. on the results of her research work on "Evaluation of sunflower oil of high oleic and linoleum types by individual quality indicators." The report presented the results of chromatographic studies of oils of different types; fatty acid composition of high oleic sunflower oil and other types of vegetable oils; organoleptic and chemical studies of sunflower oil.

Supervisor associate professor Taran T.V. a number of questions were asked on research topics, materials and methods and conclusions. During the discussion, the students also had a number of questions, to which the supervisor provided explanations and answers. We wish Irina success in the first round of the All-Ukrainian competition of student research works, which will take place on January 21, 2021 online at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of NULES of Ukraine

Tatiana Taran, Associate Professor

Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)

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