On December 18, 2020 at 13:00 on the Webex platform a meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine will take place

14 грудня 2020 року

1. On the results of scientific and innovative activities in 2020 and prospects for the development of the Research Institute of Animal Health within the development program of NULES of Ukraine "Golosiev Initiative - 2025" (Prof. Zasekin D.A.). Decision of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine "On the results of scientific and innovative activities in 2020 and prospects for the development of the Research Institute of Animal Health in the development of NULES of Ukraine" Golosiev Initiative - 2025 "
2. Reports of the heads of the Examination Commitions on the state certification of veterinarians of the educational level "Master" (prof. Soroka N.M., prof. Malyuk M.O., prof. Shevchenko L.V.).
3. About conducted career guidance activities in December 2020 (heads of departments).
4. About recommendation for printing educational and methodological literature (prof. Kostyuk V.K.).
5. Personnel issues. Consideration of attestation cases.
6. Miscellaneous.

Attendance of all members of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine is mandatory!

Chairman of the Academic Council of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
M. Tsvilikhovsky

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