Meetings with successful people, professional experts - a great incentive for the future managers development

7 грудня 2020 року
Academic process for discipline Introduction to the specialty for  students of the 1st year of specialty  "Management"  of the Faculty of Agrarian Management is traditionally interesting and rich useful information, After all, in addition to the usual classes with teachers of the Department of Management named after Prof. J.S. Zavadsky  Olexander    Novak and Tatyana Artiuhk according to the schedule, there are also regular meetings with prominent Ukrainians, who demonstrate their own experienceсand successes to future managers, and their instructions form the worldview of young people, are imbued in memory and help them make good decisions in life.
Olga Khodakivska, Deputy Director of the National Scientific Center "Institute of Agrarian Economics", and Vyacheslav   Krupka,   Director of the NuBIP Wellness Center of Ukraine, joined this semester to communicate online with the freshmen of FAM.
 A month ago, students were lucky to talk with Olga Khodakivska on the topic "Agrariansystem of Ukraine: economic and social cut of domestic agricultural products" . Demonstrating the research materials of scientists from the INSTITUTE "IAE" on the potential and socio-economic results of business entities in the agricultural sphere, the guest noted both negative and positive trends in. In spite of European successful practice, farming and cooperative movement in our country do not yet receive proper support and protection from competitive pressure of large corporate structures.
The guest emphasized to the audience that they are gaining the necessary profession on the state scale at the prestigious university at the faculty with a glorious history. Students immediately demonstrated their readiness for action with their own questions to visit. The most active in this case were the girls Anna Krasnoshtan  and  Maria Belozersky.
Although the information voiced by the speaker was acute, the main tasks of the meeting were fulfilled: a) students got acquainted with the main socio-economic indicators of the functioning of the agrarian industry, b) in the figure of guests, Doctor of Economic Sciences Olga Khodakivska, listeners saw an example of the realization of the intellectual and creative potential of a female leader who is fighting for the future of Ukraine.
Some other goals were outlined during the meeting of student-managers with Vyacheslav Krupka, director of the NUBIP Wellness Center of Ukraine.
Extremely relevant  topic of preservation of health in modern conditions, which was announced by the organizers of the meeting, immediately attracted interest from students, because they know that good physical and mental health at all times was a basic requirement for applicants for managerial positions. The speaker orientated the audience that he does not want to devote all the allocated time only to the discussion of sanitary requirements and antiepidemiological measures, because all this information is covered in detail on the university's website. Instead, the conversation was sprawling and covered many interesting questions. The guest noted the activity of the students, because in fact, the whole lesson he answered the questions of students. Thus, reacting to the appeal of Anna Krasnoshtan,chief doctor of NUBIP of Ukraine shared information about the nature of coronavirus and mechanisms of its transmission, its own assumptions about the prospects for the spread of COViD-19 on the planet, Nazar  Kuprienko, a student of the 1st year, also explained that working in gyms, other enclosed areas, subject to close contact with potentially ill people, suggests an ultra-high probability of infection, and therefore Vyacheslav Andreevich strongly recommended that everyone translate the trainingprocess into an individual form.
The general conclusion of the conversation: healthy lifestyle, movement and activity are the basis of human immunity, and therefore at any time remain the main ways to counteract all diseases. At the same time, the doctor meant not only physical activity, but also the efforts we make, realizing our intellectual, creative potential, helping other people.
The most valuable during this meeting was still a demonstration by the guest of his own successful example of the combination:
professional skills (56 years of medical experience, doctor of the highest category, doctor of national teams of Ukraine, the best sports doctor of the USSR, Ukraine and Georgia);
sports (repeated Champion of Ukraine among veterans, master sports in athletics and winter swimming);
intellectual work (scientific and pedagogical activity at the Department of Social Work and Rehabilitation of NUBIP of Ukraine, journalism).
As a result of the conversation, already outside the allocated time, impressed students listened carefully to a wonderful poem from the mouth of the author - Vyacheslav Krupka
We are sincerely grateful to our guests that, despite their employment and all the difficulties of distance learning, continue to sow smart, good, eternal in the heads and souls of students.
Tatiana Balanovska,
Acting Head of  Department of Management  Prof. J.S. Zavadsky
Translated by Tetiana Artiukh


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