Scopus WoS! Conference ERDEV-2021!

12 листопада 2020 року
Jelgava, Latvia.


 1st_announcement (pdf)

Dear Madam, Dear Sir,
Dear Colleagues, Dear Friends
On behalf of the organizing committee of the 20th International Conference "Engineering for Rural Development", it is our honor and pleasure to invite you to participate in conference, which will be held on May 26-28, 2021, at the Faculty of Engineering, Latvia University of Agriculture, Jelgava, Latvia. There will be two option for participation: on-site and on-line. The sections rooms will have online conference equipment so both report types will be possible.
The topics of the conference are as follows:
- Agricultural machinery
- Husbandry
- Renewable and conventional energy
- GHG emission, waste management
- Agroengineering technologies, mechanisms
- Control systems
- Material science
- Transport and logistics
- Fuels and technical liquids
- Modeling and simulation
- CAD, CAE, CNC, CAM, PDM, PLM, BIM, GIS and other computer aided technologies in engineering
- Engineering education
- Engineering economics
- All similar engineering and technology studies
The conference venue is at the Latvia University of Agriculture, Faculty of Engineering, 5. J. Cakstes blvd., Jelgava, Latvia.
Registration is available at the homepage of the conference ( The registration is open till January 15, 2021.
You can find more information in the attachment and also on the conference homepage at
Papers will be abstracted and indexed in databasis:
Elsevier SCOPUS, Web of Science™, Clarivate Analytics (former Thomson Reuters), AGRIS, CAB Abstracts, CABI full text, EBSCO Academic Search Complete, EBSCO Central & Eastern European Academic Source, Agricola
Don`t hesitate to share this information and invite your colleagues, too!
We look forward to your participation.
Cordially yours,
Aivars Aboltins , 
Chairman of Program Committee,
Engineering for Rural Developement 2021
Institute of Agricultural Machinery
Latvia University of  Life Sciences and Technologies



Ivan Rogovskii



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