The University scientists have reached the final stage of the project implementation for the Ukrainian State Fund for Support of Farms

3 листопада 2020, 10:00

On November 3, 2020, Lidiia V. Shynkaruk, the Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, chaired an online meeting of working groups of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine to discuss the final stage of business projects for the Ukrainian State Farm Support Fund.


The National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine won a tender on the Prozorro platform to establish an All-Ukrainian network business incubator for the diversification of agricultural production and the development of cooperation in rural areas.

This spring the scientists have already developed the first projects (see Now the final stage of the contract has begun according to which working groups should develop distance learning courses for the business incubator.


The established working groups will develop training programs for producing grain fruits, cattle breeding, mushroom growing, etc. The head of the Production and Investment Management Department Lidiia Shynkaruk explained the structure and content of writing distance learning programs for the Ukrainian farm specialists.


Lidiia V. Shynkaruk,
Head of the Production
and Investment Management Department

Maryna M.Dielini,
Associate Professor of the Production and
Investment Management Departmant

Translated by
Kateryna Alekseieva

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