"Innovative Entrepreneurship and Startup Ecosystem" in the framework of the initiative "Entrepreneurial University"

23 вересня 2020, 10:00

The Production and Investment Management Department being a participant in the initiative "Entrepreneurial University” from the network of academic startup incubators YEP and implementing the course "Innovative Entrepreneurship and “Management of Startup Projects" in the discipline "International Programs and Grants" has been working with students on startup projects and the implementation of their business ideas.

On September 23, 2020 the first open lecture within this course took place the topic of which was acquaintance with the startup ecosystem. The lecture was conducted offline and broadcasted through a Zoom conference for those who are currently studying remotely. Thus, this event brought together more than 100 participants, i.e. teachers and students of various specialties not only of the NULES of Ukraine, but also the 3rd year students studying "Finance" in the Boyar College of Ecology and Natural Resources.

Anatolii Ostapchuk the Dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor started the lecture and noted that this initiative is important in modern cooperation between universities and business.

Lydiia Shynkaruk, the Head of the Production and Investment Management Department, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor in Economics, Professor congratulated the students on the beginning of the academic year and wished them successful using of the opportunities provided by the educational program "Management of Investment Activities and International Projects". Lidiia Shynkaruk also stressed the importance of acquiring skills in creating a business idea, forming an effective team and the ability to implement and submit their own projects for grant competitions.

An introductory lecture on "Innovative Entrepreneurship and Startup Ecosystem" was presented by Andriy Zaikin, Founder of the YEP Incubator. The lecture included the definition of startups and their role in the world economy, the relationship between science and innovation, the stages of the startup movement and a review of the startup ecosystem of Ukraine. Andrew shared examples of successful cases of well-known startups, such as Airbnb and Diageo which began with a simple idea and developed into successful businesses.


The participants asked many questions about the creation and implementation of startups and received detailed and thorough answers. We believe that students of the faculty of agrarian management will create new startups and implement their ideas. They can submit them for consideration in the annual competition "FROM IDEA TO SUCCESS" initiated by the Production and Investment Management Department. Then some ideas can be selected for implementing in the YEP incubator.




Iryna Tytarchuk,
Associate Professor of the Production
and Investment Management Department

Translated by
Kateryna Alekseieva

To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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