Although in a distant mode, but ours are the best again!

30 серпня 2020 року

    In times of difficult epidemiological situation, there are many obstacles to international communication and cultural exchange, but the intensive development of Internet technologies provides more and more opportunities to demonstrate young talent. So, keeping up with the times, the organizing committee of the project of festivals "Blooming Ukraine" offered new opportunities to participate in international competitions for all creative groups and soloists, regardless of age and place of residence. Folk women's vocal ensemble "Octave" took part in one of them – "International online festival-competition of children's and youth arts ON THE WAVES OF TALENT MELODIES OF THE SEA".
    The chairman of the organizing committee of the festival was the director of the travel company Alitas-Tour, which is a permanent member of the European Association of Folklore Festivals, Alla Dobrovolska, and the chairman of the jury – Ukrainian pop singer, Honored Artist of Ukraine, soloist Chernivtsi Regional Philharmonic, winner of many international competitions and multi – cultural festivals, which has toured almost all continents of the Earth, Inessa Mikhailovna Bratushchyk.
   The festival brought together participants from Ukraine and Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Macedonia, Bulgaria and Greece and other countries, but our "Octave" won the hearts of the jury. Deserved result of the girls and their leader – assistant of the department of cultural studies Nina MelikovaGRAND PRIX of the festival.
   Congratulations and we say with confidence: there is no doubt that last year they received the title of "folk team"!



Iryna Maidanyuk
head of the department of cultural studies


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