My choice is clear: a prestigious university is a prestigious and dignified future

27 серпня 2020 року

   Hello! My name is Yulia. This year I am entering the NULES of Ukraine at the faculty for humanities and pedagogics, specialty "Philology (German languages and literature) (translation included), (English and a second foreign language)".

    I studied in high school with in-depth study of foreign languages, so I love to study them, especially English. My result of the external examination in English is 171.5. However, this result does not suit me and therefore I’ve set a goal – to rise to a higher level in the study of not only English but German as well, Polish or French.

   I am already a student. Last year I entered the specialty "Industrial pharmacy", I was sure – my life should be connected with medicine. All last academic year I reconsidered my choice. I realized that philology continues to fascinate me, enticing me with its hidden secrets and countless knowledge that I can gain.

  Why did I choose NULES? When choosing a university for admission, I personally took into account several factors, including: the university's ranking, communication, feedback from other students.

   When I first visited the building, among all the hustle and bustle of applicants, I saw only kind, calm and smiling employees of the admissions committee and the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation. Undoubtedly, it conquers.

   For me, it is important to objectively assess the knowledge of students and the prospects of each of us in the future.

   I believe that this higher education institution meets the requirements not only of the most prestigious Ukrainian, but also foreign universities. It confidently enters new horizons, so it should be considered as a promising prestigious university in our country. In my opinion, NULES of Ukraine is for active and motivated people. That's why I chose it.

   I am sure I will never regret my choice. Why? Because I already love NULES! This is my Sorbonne, my Harvard!

      I am happy to become a student of this university!

Entrant of the specialty
"Philology (English and a second foreign language)"
Yulia Dyachenko

Regional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)Press-centre

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