Yaroslav Kondratenko, a graduate of the capital's college, chooses NULES and will master the pedagogy of higher education

1 липня 2020 року
During the years of pedagogical activity at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, we have repeatedly been convinced that the most effective form of work in career guidance is direct communication with potential applicants. In addition, such interaction, based on trust, respect, taking into account the preferences of young people, etc., in future educational activities will contribute to the implementation of student-centered learning.

    Today, Yaroslav Kondratenko, a graduate of the Anton Makarenko Kyiv vocational and pedagogical college, agreed to answer some of our questions. He expressed a desire to enter the master's program in "Educational pedagogical sciences".

    During the years of pedagogical activity at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, we have repeatedly been convinced that in career guidance work the most effective form of work is direct communication with potential applicants. In addition, such interaction, based on trust, respect, taking into account the preferences of young people, etc., in future educational activities will contribute to the implementation of student-centered learning.


Please tell us about yourself.

– I was born in the Kyiv region in the village of Korolivka. This year I have graduated from the specialty 015.09 "Professional education (welding)" at the Anton Makarenko Kyiv vocational and pedagogical college. Now I work a little in the summer.


Yaroslav, why have you decided to get a higher education?

– It may sound a bit pathetic, but I realized that higher education today is not only prestigious, but also necessary. A successful career built in the future depends on a decent higher education, which directly leads to a prestigious job. In addition, the student years in the life of every young person are the most beautiful and unforgettable. I want to be at the center of student life.


How did you find out about our university?

– First, instructors of the department of pedagogy of NULES of Ukraine visit the college several times a year to conduct career guidance work and every year the university invites our graduates to the Open Door Day. I was very impressed by watching videos about the material and technical base of the faculty for humanities and pedagogics, meeting with the dean of the faculty, professor Vasyl Shynkaruk, head of the department of pedagogy Ruslan Sopivnyk and instructors of the department of pedagogy, communication with students, student organizations, employers, etc. Secondly, a significant number of graduates of our college annually enter this well-known and respected educational institution, both for master's and bachelor's degrees. Therefore, information about the university is quite common among our students.


What was decisive in choosing the profession of a teacher and a higher education institution?

– To teach young people! This profession is always and will be relevant, because it is very important in our lives. Mankind is so arranged that it constantly teaches the younger generation what it already knows. At the same time, I am aware of the importance of this profession, because its acquisition requires painstaking training and formation of oneself as a highly moral person. In addition, I understand that my chosen profession will allow me to build a successful career and my own future. After all, we in Ukraine have a significant number of higher education institutions where you can get a job in your specialty.

Also for me, the main thing is learning in an environment where you can get even more knowledge, and this can be done with talented teachers. I know that NULES of Ukraine employs highly qualified specialists who know their subject and are constantly improving their methodological support.


Are you worried about the introductory campaign in connection with the adaptation quarantine in Kyiv?

– Of course, there are some concerns, because the situation with the coronavirus at any time may affect the adjustment of deadlines for submission of documents, exams and more. But in this regard, I would like to note that the teachers of the Department of Pedagogy, in particular you, always report on the progress of the introductory campaign. In addition, I know that when I have questions, I can always call and you will answer all your questions.


What are your hobbies, what are you interested in and what do you dream about?

– My dream is to dedicate more time to sports, including running. I know that the university has a powerful sports base where I can do my hobby. I really like to disassemble various problems related to electronics in my free time. My chosen specialty has two educational programs "Higher school pedagogy" and "Information and communication technologies in education". I hope to become a graduate of the "Information and communication technologies in education" program, which will allow me to connect my passion with the profession. And most importantly, I want to find myself in life and make all my dreams come true!


What would you wish to instructors and future students of NULES of Ukraine?

– First of all, I wish everyone good health. Entrants should be wished inspiration and zealousness, successful entry into selected specialties. Instructors – to relax during the holidays and recruit talented and creative students.


Thank you Yaroslav for an interesting interview, we wish you success in entering.


Conversation was conducted by a professor
of the department of pedagogy Oksana Vasyuk

To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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