Representatives of REEFMC conducted a training "Introduction to incident command management" for executives of forestry enterprises of Ukraine

30 серпня 2020 року

On August 26, 2020, representatives of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center Prof. Sergiy Zibtsev and Assoc. Prof., Vasyl Gumeniuk conducted a training "Introduction to incident command management" for executives of forestry enterprises of Ukraine on the basis of the Ukrainian Center for Training, Retraining and Advanced Training of Forestry "Ukrcentrkadrylis".

Purpose of training: to deepen the theoretical knowledge and practical skills of executives on the organization and safe suppression of forest fires, forecasting their behavior based on weather assessment, characteristics of fuels and terrain, as well as choosing strategies and tactics for them suppression.

The training was attended by 33 representatives of forestry enterprises from different parts of the country, including directors, deputy directors, chief engineers and chief foresters. Participants received theoretical information and practical recommendations on personal safety measures during forest fire fighting, general responsibilities in the fire brigade, forecasting fire behavior based on weather, topographic conditions and characteristics of fuels, as well as the sequence of actions, selection of appropriate firefighting strategies and tactics for forest fires suppression.

The training program at the link: 


Vasyl Gumeniuk, 
officer of the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center


To Applicants (синій)Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)

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