Online session: new times and new requirements

18 травня 2020 року

Coronavirus has added headaches to students and, of course, instructors. Classes have long since moved to the Internet, but how, for example, to pass a session online? The Ministry of Education and Science has developed guidelines for higher education institutions to conduct semester assessment of students and passing certification exams. Thus, distance communication of participants in the educational process can be carried out through communication tools built into the learning management system (LMS), e-mail, messengers (Viber, Telegram and others), video conferencing (MS Teams, ZOOM, Google Meet, Skype), forums, and chat.

The test session is a responsible stage on the eve of the exams. After all, this is not only a form of final control, but also an assessment of one's own knowledge obtained during the semester, and a prerequisite for further study. It is also undoubtedly a new experience for both students and teachers, as the session takes place online.

Senior lecturer Ahapitova A. Yu. conducted tests on the platforms Zoom and Google Classroom. Excel response forms have been created for ease of completion, further verification, and quick results. Tickets were placed in the Google Classroom, which students had access to just before the test.


In the 1st year of the specialty "Professional education" and in the 1st year of the specialty "Tourism" there was a test in the discipline "Foreign language", which was taught by an assistant of the department of English philology Medyanyk H.A. Throughout the semester, attending classroom classes and mastering the subject on remote platforms, most of them were able to prepare well for the test.


Associate professor of English philology Khrystyuk S.B. conducted tests in the discipline of "English" on the Zoom platform in the mode of video conferences and performing final tests of electronic training courses of the educational portal NULES of Ukraine, in particular, English (MV). Part 2., English language (EF). Part 2., English (GDS, PO). Part 2. with students of the faculty of information technologies, faculty for humanities and pedagogics and the Institute of continuing education and tourism.

Thus, on April 21, 2020 there was a test with students majoring in "Computer Science" 4th year, group KN 16001b (enrolled 14 students), 3rd year, group KN-17002bsk (enrolled 10 students); On April 24, students of the specialty "Software engineering" 2nd year, group IPZ-18007bsk (enrolled 15 students, 4 students did not appear), 3rd year, group IPZ-17005bsk (enrolled 10 students, 1 student did not appear) , 4th year, group IPZ-16006b (enrolled 17 students, 3 students did not appear); On April 27, the first-year students of the specialty "Psychology" of the PS -19001bz group took part in the test (4 students were enrolled); On May 14, 1st year students majoring in Hotel and Restaurant Business of GDS-2019_2 subgroup 2 (enrolled 13 students, 3 students did not show up) and 1st year part-time students majoring in international relations, group MV-19001bz (enrolled) 4 students); On May 15, the 1st year students of the specialty "International relations" of the group MV-19001b passed the test (20 students were enrolled, 2 students did not show up).



Senior lecturer I. Yu. Rozhon conducted tests on Zoom platforms with 2nd year students majoring in economics.



Associate professor of English philology Shanaeva-Tsymbal L.O. conducted tests in the discipline "English" with first-year students majoring in "Hotel and restaurant business", "Public administration", "Law" and "Entrepreneurship, trade and exchange activities" on the Zoom platform in video conferencing mode. Also, the instructor is preparing a group of students majoring in "Social work" for a single entrance exam in English, as on May 12 began online registration for a single entrance exam in a foreign language (EMI) and a single professional entrance exam (EPI).

Senior lecturer Serhienko I.V. conducted the test as follows:
1. In the group, students wrote the question card number and made sure that the number was not repeated.
2. Next, I sent each a task file.
3. Then immediately everyone followed the link to zoom and wrote tests. 1 pair (1 hour 20 minutes) was allocated for writing the test.
4. After writing, students sent the completed work to the return e-mail box.
5. The student's result was reported in a personal message

Because this is the first time we have such an experience of passing and taking tests, both students and instructors have treated this process very responsibly. In the future, this method will not be appropriate, because students are able to adapt to any conditions of delivery and adequately assess their knowledge will be much more difficult.

Lyudmyla Shanaeva-Tsymbal,
associate professor of the department of English philology

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