The diplomats developed and presented their own business projects

3 червня 2020 року

Business projecting is becoming an important part of the presence. Starting your own startups is of high interest among the youth as an opportunity to meet their potential. To fulfill this task thanks to the initiative of the Head of Production and Investment Management Department, Corresponding Member of the NAS of Ukraine, Doctor of Economics, Professor Lydia Shchynkaruk the course "Basics of the Business Projecting" in various specialties and faculties of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine has been introduced.

During the term the discipline was taught by Associate Professor Marina M. Dielini for the specialty “International Relations”. Students actively learned the essence of the project activities, criteria of relevance and feasibility of business ideas, the basics of forming a project team, building an organizational structure, rules for determining the target audience of the project, pricing methods, calculation of costs, revenues, etc.



In the end of the semester, students presented their projects. There were such projects as consulting agencies, pet hotels, foreign language courses, a company supplying medical equipment to Ukraine, a company for processing fallen leaves on paper, SMM-agencies, koto-yoga, car wash for cars with 3 different boxes, etc.

Students expressed their gratitude to the teacher and the desire to further implement the developed projects. We wish them success!





Marina Dielini,
Associate Professor of Production and
Investment Management Department

Translated by
Kateryna Alekseieva




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