Winners of the All-Ukrainian Olympiad in “Investments” are determined!

28 лютого 2020, 10:00

On February 26, 2020 professors of the Production and Investment Management Department of the Faculty of Agrarian Management conducted the first stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "INVESTMENTS" among the students of the fourth year of the specialization "Management". The Olympiad was held to enhance students' knowledge in project investing, investment policy and investment management.


The dean of the Faculty of Agrarian Management Anatolii Ostapchuk greeted the participants with a welcome speech and wished them success and victory.

The head of Production and Investment Management Department Lidia V. Shynkaruk noted the growing demand of employers for specialists in investment and project management and wished all participants creativity in solving cases and in choosing sources of investing in projects.

According to the results of the 1st stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad in the discipline "INVESTMENTS", the winners were:

The 1st place - Gudym Kateryna (the 4th year, the 3rd group)
The second place - Olga Galicia (the 4th year, the 3rd group) and Pavlo Kobyzsky (the 4th year, the 4th group)
The 3rd place – Dariia Chorna (the 4th year, the 4th group) and Yaroviy Rostyslav (the 4th year, the 4th group)


Congratulations to our winners and good luck!

Alla Sukhanova
As.Professor, Production and
Investment Management Department



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