Summaries of the latest cutting-edge research

27 квітня 2020 року
AIP Publishing



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Solving the chaotic source separation problem

Solving the chaotic source separation problem

A new article describes a novel framework to disentangle a mixed signal from two independent chaotic systems using a tank of water as an intermediate system.

Read the Chaos source article>>

Authors: Zhixin Lu, Jason Z. Kim, and Danielle S. Bassett

Acoustic levitation facilitates contactless movement of millimetric objects

Acoustic levitation facilitates contactless movement of millimetric objects

A self-orienting, self-centering near-field acoustic levitation device controls and moves fragile electronic components without contact.

Read the Applied Physics Letters source article>>

Authors: Marco A. B. Andrade, Tiago S. Ramos, Julio C. Adamowski, and Asier Marzo

Square-shaped structures can topologically guide water waves

Square-shaped structures can topologically guide water waves

Due to its dispersive nature, the topological confinement of water waves is a difficult feat, though it may lead to the development of highly efficient water-wave energy harvesters.

Read the Applied Physics Letters source article>>

Authors: Mehul Makwana, Nicolas Laforge, Richard Craster, Guillaume Dupont, Sébastien Guenneau, Vincent Laude, and Muamer Kadic

Propulsion secrets of forked caudal fins numerically investigated

Propulsion secrets of forked caudal fins numerically investigated

Scientists study the thrust and propulsion of forked caudal fins from the perspective of the emergence and development of leading-edge vortexes.

Read the Physics of Fluids source article>>

Authors: Zhongying Xiong and Xiaomin Liu

Nanoscale fluorination opens the door to tunable bandgap graphene and new moiré structures

Nanoscale fluorination opens the door to tunable bandgap graphene and new moiré structures

An electron beam activated fluorination process helps researchers directly write tunable bandgap structures onto graphene and demonstrates a previously unseen rectangular moiré structure.

Read the Applied Physics Reviews source article>>

Authors: Hu Li, Tianbo Duan, Soumyajyoti Haldar, Biplab Sanyal, Olle Eriksson, Hassan Jafri, Samar Hajjar-Garreau, Laurent Simon, and Klaus Leifer

Protecting plasma devices with carbon velvet

Protecting plasma devices with carbon velvet

Scientists study scanning electron microscopy on carbon velvet to learn how to minimize secondary electron emission.

Read the Journal of Applied Physics source article>>

Authors: Angelica Ottaviano, Sankha Banerjee, and Yevgeny Raitses

Lead-free white light-emitting thin film achieves full range of light

Lead-free white light-emitting thin film achieves full range of light

Cost-effective, lead-free LED material is achieved by controlling material dimensionality in a one-step process and using a more efficient phosphor.

Read the APL Materials source article>>

Authors: Taehwan Jun, Taketo Handa, Kihyung Sim, Soshi Iimura, Masato Sasase, Junghwan Kim, Yoshihiko Kanemitsu, and Hideo Hosono

X-ray diffractive imaging of controlled gas-phase molecules reveals the molecular structure of 2,5-diiodothiophene

X-ray diffractive imaging of controlled gas-phase molecules reveals the molecular structure of 2,5-diiodothiophene

Researchers used the ultrafast imaging method to determine the molecule's structure in its equilibrium state.

Read The Journal of Chemical Physics source article>>

Authors: Thomas Kierspel, Andrew Morgan, Joss Wiese, Terry Mullins, Andy Aquila, Anton Barty, Richard Bean, Rebecca Boll, Sébastien Boutet, Philip Bucksbaum, Henry N. Chapman, Lauge Christensen, Alan Fry, Mark Hunter, Jason E. Koglin, Mengning Liang, Valerio Mariani, Adi Natan, Joseph Robinson, Daniel Rolles, Artem Rudenko, Kirsten Schnorr, Henrik Stapelfeldt, Stephan Stern, Jan Thøgersen, Chun Hong Yoon, Fenglin Wang, and Jochen Küpper

How kinks can tune the thermal conductivity of silicon nanoribbons

How kinks can tune the thermal conductivity of silicon nanoribbons

Experimental and numerical studies reveal the underlying mechanisms of how kink morphology modulates the thermal conductivity of nanoribbons.

Read the Journal of Applied Physics source article>>

Authors: Lin Yang, Qian Zhang, Zhiyong Wei, Zhiguang Cui, Yang Zhao, Terry T. Xu, Juekuan Yang, and Deyu Li

Deep learning speeds up video compressive sensing from days to minutes

Deep learning speeds up video compressive sensing from days to minutes

Researchers can recover a video from a single two-dimensional image within tens of milliseconds (or sub-seconds), thanks to deep learning.

Read the APL Photonics source article>>

Authors: Mu Qiao, Ziyi Meng, Jiawei Ma, and Xin Yuan

New deconvoluting algorithm offers new approach for mass spectrometry data compression

New deconvoluting algorithm offers new approach for mass spectrometry data compression

Modifying the established Lucy-Richardson algorithm with Bayesian prior distributions increase convergence rate four-fold and doubles mass resolution.

Read The Journal of Chemical Physics source article>>

Authors: Cornelius L. Pieterse, Michiel B. de Kock, Wesley D. Robertson, Hans C. Eggers, and R. J. Dwayne Miller

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