Open door days at NULES: March 21 - for graduates of colleges and technical schools of Ukraine, March 28 - for schoolchildren

3 березня 2019 року

Open door days at NULES: March 21 - for graduates of colleges and technical schools of Ukraine,

March 28 - for schoolboys and schoolgirls! 



Welcome to The National University of Life & Environmental Sciences of



Welcome to The National University of Life & Environmental Sciences of UKRAINE!

             Welcome to Department of Parasitology and Tropical Veterinary Medicine!


   The leading research university of Ukraine will hospitably welcome everyone who wants to get acquainted with our educational institution:

March 21 - graduates of technical colleges and colleges of Ukraine,
March 28 - graduate schoolboys and schoolgirls. 



9:00 – 11:00

Meeting of the participants of the "Open Doors Day", presentation of scientific papers of the faculties and institutes

Heroiv Oborony Str.15, Kyiv, Ukraine

building 3,conference hall


Meeting with the rector of the University, Stanislav Nikolayenko


Heroiv Oborony Str.15, Kyiv, Ukraine

building 3,conference hall



Rules of admission to the NULES of Ukraine

in 2019
 will present

Lidiya Goncharuk, Executive Secretary of the Admissions Committee, 

Heroiv Oborony Str.15, Kyiv, Ukraine

building 3,conference hall


Performances by creative groups and bands of the Department of Cultural Studies of NULES of Ukraine

Heroiv Oborony Str.15, Kyiv, Ukraine

building 3,conference hall


Presentation of Institutes and faculties, laboratories and departments

Educational buildings of the Institutes and faculties 


You and your parents will be able to:

- communicate personally with the leadership and students, faculty and scientists;
   - ask them about the conditions of entry and the requirements for training;
    - to examine the material and technical and scientific-methodical basis, living conditions;
    - find out why you can learn and where to work after obtaining a diploma.


You will have the opportunity to explore the territory of the university located in the forest-park district of the capital - Holosievo. To visit educational buildings and dormitories, visit the University of Apiary and Botanical garden, Horse Breeding Department, see exposition in Museums of Anatomy and forest animals and birds, university stadium and student dining. Future officers will meet at the Department of Military Training.


We are waiting for future agronomists, energy engineers, foresters, builders, engineers, managers, marketers, veterinarians, economists, financiers, ecologists, biotechnologists, land managers, programmers, cybernetics, social educators, translators, planters, livestock breeders, fish farmers, food workers, journalists, internationalists, psychologists and lawyers.

        All entrants who come to us will receive the necessary information, good mood and souvenirs.



Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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