Warm welcoming and hospitality by Parasitology and Tropical Veterinary Medicine Department Professor Natalia Soroka for future student Anna Suvorova, with the veterinarian dynasty origin

5 лютого 2019 року

Warm welcoming and hospitality by Department Professor Natalia Soroka for future student Anna Suvorova from the dynasty of veterinarians 

   Friendly relationship since student years 
by Professor, Head of the Department of Parasitology and Tropical Veterinary Medicine, Natalia Soroka with Rogovsky and Suvorov's family contributed and quite interested Anna Suvorova (a student of the 11th grade gymnasium № 136 of the Dnipro district of Kyiv) to join the NUBIP on the faculty of veterinary medicine.

 Her lively interest in learning languages, sports, drawing, ballroom dancing, various microorganisms and illnesses that they cause are manifested since the junior class. It resulted to the the scientific work and participation in district, city, international school conferences and the conference of the Small Academy of Sciences. She took 1, 2 and 3 places at district, city and international conferences, respectively, with diplomas. In the Small Academy of Sciences, she performed a scientific work on the topic:"Demodecosis".

She believes that every young person should think about his future and build his life. The institution of higher education teaches and gives the opportunity to get a speciality. Also here providing the training a person with high intelligence and forms patriotic attitude to the native land and the state of Ukraine. From Internet resources she knows that NUBiP is constantly working on cultural, sporting, patriotic and scientific education of youth. Higher education opens opportunities for realizing itself in society.

Anna Suvorova: "My father (Volodymyr Suvorov), veterinary medicine doctor, has his own veterinary clinic of small animals "Belyi Klyck" in the Shevchenkivsky district of Kyiv and constantly provides various qualified assistance to animals. Since childhood, she has been constantly watching animals suffering from illness and in need of salvation. I also decided to continue this. It became a priority for me. Therefore, I chose to enter the specialty "Veterinary Medicine".

   During the acquaintance with the faculty, I was impressed with the quality of laboratory classes and lectures on the discipline "Parasitology", which allowed me to be present. Together with the teachers of the department, by Associate Professor Marina Galat and Professor Natalia Soroka, I was met by deputy dean Vasyl Danilov and I conducted an extremely exciting excursion to the faculty.

It was pleasant to get acquainted with the material and technical base of the faculty, the clinic NNV Clinical Center "Vetmedservice" and the Museum of Anatomy. The high NUBiP rating of Ukraine significantly influenced my choice. In addition, the university is located in the picturesque forest park area of ​​Kyiv "Holossievo".

At the end of the hospitality, Anna said about her expectactions and dream to join the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine with its successful degree and to continue work for in the future.

Deputy Dean, Associate Professor Vasyl Danilov,
PhD, Associate Professor Raissa Slobodian


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