Students of the Faculty of Agrarian Management discussed the Impact of Epidemic of Coronavirus on the Ukrainian economy

24 лютого 2020 року

Studying the production capacities of Ukraine and the role of the agricultural sector in the formation of exports the head of the Department of Production and Investment Management of the Faculty of Agrarian Management, corresponding member of NAS of Ukraine, Professor Lidiia Shynkaruk offered to discuss the topic "How the spread of the virus affects and the attractiveness of the Ukrainian economy for the investments into it" A short report was made by a fourth-year student of the Faculty of Agrarian Management Angelika Kosheva.

As a part of the discussion the students expressed their vision for Moody's global economic outlook for the coronavirus epidemic which is the first to see changes in commodity, fuel and iron ore prices. It is worth noting that China occupies the second place in the export of Ukrainian products - 7% ($ 2 897.6 million), 45% of rapeseed, 14% of corn and almost a quarter of wheat and soybeans are exported to this country. Therefore this area will respond to the deteriorating of economic situation.

Tracking the fall in the price index for industrial metals financial analysts concluded that the coronavirus could become a "black swan" - 2020, which may have unpredictable consequences for the global economy.


Such discussions within the framework of lectures allow the students to develop critical thinking skills and gain experience in analyzing the impact of global trends on the Ukrainian economy. Teachers of the Department of Production and Investment Management of the Faculty of Agrarian Management always offer cognitive discussions and seek new approaches to teaching subjects.

Kate Gudym,
The fourth year student of the Faculty of Agrarian Management

Anna Dergach,
Senior Lecturer, Production and
Investment Management Department

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