Firefighter ordered suspended without pay after trying to rescue an elderly woman from a fire

12 лютого 2020 року
Atlanta, USA

Before anyone can become a firefighter, they first must take an oath: a promise to put the lives of others before their own, even if it means making the ultimate sacrifice.

So when Capt. Daniel Dwyer of the Atlanta Fire Rescue Department stepped into a burning Northwest Atlanta home on June 28, 2019 to rescue the 95-year-old woman trapped inside, it seemed like he was simply doing his job.
That is until he got suspended for 48 hours -- without pay -- for trying to save someone's life. And despite his best efforts, Sallie Skrine, the woman Dwyer was rescuing, died after succumbing to her injuries.
After a nearly seven month internal investigation, it found that Dwyer "entered the structure" without "crew members," according to a notice of "final adverse action" complaint from the Atlanta-Fire Rescue obtained by CNN.
The complaint says that Dwyer will officially be suspended without pay starting Friday. However, since firefighters typically work 24-hour shifts, Dwyer's suspension is effective for February 13 and February 16, according to the complaint.
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