invites you to take part in the International scientific conference «Innovation and Entrepreneurship» to be held 24.01.2020 in Montreal, Canada.

24 січня 2020 року
Montreal, Canada invites you to take part in the International scientific conference «Innovation and Entrepreneurship» to be held 24.01.2020 in Montreal, Canada.

Form of participation: correspondence (remote)
Conference languages: English, Russian, German and other European languages
ISBN of Canadian publishing house will be assigned to a collection of scientific articles
Mandatory copies of the collection of articles will be sent to Library and Archives Canada
The collection of articles will be placed in the international citation database RSCI and submitted for review to the Conference proceedings Citation Index - Social Sciences & Humanities (CPCI-SSH)
The collection of articles (PDF-version) will be posted on the Conferencii and eLIBRARY

Target groups

Teaching staff, heads of higher educational institutions, postgraduates, doctoral students, undergraduates, representatives of state and local self-government bodies, public organizations, enterprises, financial and other institutions, all interested persons.

Subjects of the conference

Section_01. National economics and management.
Section_02. World economy.
Section_03. Enterprises economics and management.
Section_04. Productive forces development and regional economy.
Section_05. Money, finance and credit.
Section_06. Accounting, analysis and audit.
Section_07. Taxation and accounting system.
Section_08. Economic security of business entities.
Section_09. Mathematical methods in economy.
Section_10. State administration, self-government and government service.
Section_11. Law.
Section_12. Tourism economy.
Section_13. Management.
Section_14. Marketing.
Section_15. Psychology, pedagogy, education, philosophy and philology.
Section_16. Sociology and Political Science.

The conference is held with the assistance of

École Des Hautes Études Commerciales (Montreal, Canada)
Centre des gens d’affaires des communautés culturelles du Québec (Quebec, Canada)
Agricultural University - Plovdiv (Plovdiv, Bulgaria)
Krakow University of Economics (Krakow, Poland)
Personnel administration and sociology department of Ural State University of Railway Transport (Ekaterinburg, Russia)
Industrial economics and management engineering department Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology (Dnеpropetrovsk, Ukraine)
Daghestan State Technical University (Makhachkala, Russia)
Poltava State Agrarian Aсademy (Poltava, Ukraine)
Association of Professional Accountants Concord (Moscow, Russia)
St. Petersburg University of management and economy (Krasnoyarsk, Russia)
The industrial economics department National metallurgical academy of Ukraine (Dnеpropetrovsk, Ukraine)
Institute of jurisprudence and management of all-Russian police association (Tula, Russia)
Izhevsk Institute of Management (Izhevsk, Russia)
Volgograd State Agricultural University (Volgograd, Russia)
Institute of higher education «Open international university of human development «Ukraine» (Kiev, Ukraine)
Tourism institute Voskresensk - The Russian International Academy for Tourism (RIAT) (Russia)
Vinnytsya trade and economic institute of the Kyiv national trade and economic University (Ukraine)
International humanitarian University (Odessa, Ukraine)


Dr., Prof. Svetlana Drobyazko

Editorial board

Dr. Andris Denins, Latvia
Dr. Andrej Udovč, Slovenia
Prof. Brezina Ivan, Slovakia
Dr. Dimitar Kanev, Bulgaria
Dr. Konstantin Savov Kalinkov, Bulgaria
Dr. Nikolay Majurov, Russia
Prof. Nedelea Alexandru-Mircea, Romania
Dr. Valeriy Okulich-Kazarin, Poland
Dr. Pliskanivskiy Stanislav T., Ukraine
Dr. Parikshat Singh Manhas, India
Dr. M.Kasakevitch, Italy
Dr. V.Babich, USA
Dr. Yoshii Masahiko, Japan
Prof. Jarosław Jerzy Turłukowski, Poland
Prof. Nada Vignjević-Djordjević, Serbia
Dr. Shatalova Nina Ivanovna, Russia
Dr. Czempas Jan, Poland
Dr. Shafa Aliyev, Azerbaijan Republic
Dr. Luísa Cagica Carvalho, Portugal
Dr. Uqbah bin Muhammad Iqbal, Malaysia

Conference schedule

Date of conference: 24.01.2020
Paper submission deadline: 23.01.2020 (incl.)
Articles collection issue (PDF-version): 15.02.2020

The authors receive one printed copy of the collection for one article.

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