The regular meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics took place

13 листопада 2019 року

On November 12, according to the work plan, an extended meeting of the Academic Council of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics took place. In the large audience of the third educational building the members of the Academic Council and the staff of the faculty, headed by the Dean, Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor Vasyl Shynkaruk, gathered together.

According to the tradition, at the beginning of the meeting, the Dean of the Faculty presented certificates and thanks to a number of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, namely: Valentyna Strilets, Ihor Butsyk, Dmytro Kostyuk, Lyudmyla Klymenko, Yuriy Rozhkov, Marianna Holtsova, Olena Dubovyk, Veronika Chekalyuk.

Then Vasyl Dmytrovych moved to the first issue of the agenda: "Modern problems of training international relations specialists at the regional and intra-university levels and solutions at NULES of Ukraine" and invited for the report the head of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences, Professor Serhiy Bilan.

The head of the graduation department informed about the features of the 2020 admission campaign, active career guidance. He did not miss the personnel of the specialty "International Relations". Serhiy Oleksiyovych outlined a number of issues that need further elaboration: cooperation between the departments of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics; expanding relations with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine; improving the staff of the Department of International Relations and Social Sciences.

Professor Serhiy Bilan finished his report by answering the questions of the Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics Ihor Butsyk and Head of the Department of Pedagogy Ruslan Sopivnyk.

Professor Serhiy Bilan's co-rapporteur was Svitlana Amelina, Head of the Department of Foreign Philology and Translation, who described the involvement of international students in various activities facilitating the study of foreign languages.

Summing up the report, Dean Vasyl Shynkaruk stressed that the specialty "International Relations" is in demand in the labor market, which increases the responsibility of the graduating department for the training of quality specialists.

The speaker of the second question was the Deputy Dean of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, Ihor Butsyk - it was about preparation for the First stage of the All-Ukrainian Olympiads in educational disciplines and specialties and competitions of scientific student works. At the end of the coverage of the issue, the Dean of the Faculty Vasyl Shynkaruk emphasized that the Faculty should achieve the highest performance in writing scientific papers.

Associate Professor of the Department of Philosophy Andriy Samarskyi prepared and reported information on the functioning of the web site of the Faculty of Humanities and Pedagogics. The following were considered - the attendance of the pages of the departments of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics; the number of views rating of visiting the pages of the departments since September 1, 2019, as well as visiting the English language site of the faculty and its development. In addition, the technical requirements of posting on the site pages were discussed. In discussing the issue, emphasis was placed on the issue of forming a positive image of the site in social networks. After all, all students spend a lot of time online, so you need to look for tools to disseminate information on Instagram, Facebook, Telegram.

In the end, the members of the Academic Council considered and approved the topics of master's works for masters of the 1st year of study. Recommendations for the printing of educational and methodical literature, manuscripts of monographs, dictionaries, etc. were also considered.

Ludmyla Smyk,
1st year student of the specialty "Journalism" of the
Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics

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