Elective trade union meeting at the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics took place

8 листопада 2019 року

 Getting together is the beginning.
Staying together is progress.
Working together is a success!

The trade union organization of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics is one of the biggest in the university - 192 members. Over the last two years, the number of union members has almost tripled, and this is due to both the faculty dean Vasyl Shynkaruk and the chairman Inna Savytska, the head of the TU bureau.
On the eve, a trade union meeting was held at the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics. Among the issues, raised on the agenda, were the report of the head of the TU bureau Inna Savytska, the election of a new TU bureau, the election of the head of the TU bureau of the faculty, the delegation of representatives from the faculty to the trade union of NULES of Ukraine, the election of delegates to the 27th congressional meeting, offering suggestions for a new agreement.

In her report, Inna Savytska emphasized the main priorities of the work of the trade union bureau for the last two years and noted that the activity of the trade union is aimed, first of all, at the development of the faculty, at meeting the needs of scientific-pedagogical staff, and solving social issues. The purpose and task of the trade union is to cooperate at all levels of the management unit to realize socio-economic interests, meet material needs and requirements of employees, create a favorable moral and psychological climate in the staff of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics. Achievements in the work of the trade unions are also the organization of health and leisure of employees, their families, children, and providing financial assistance, and holding New Year's morning for the children of employees, etc.
The trade union organization traditionally assists, both organizationally and financially, in carrying out the largest sporting events. Thus, thanks to the organizational and financial support of the trade union organization and the staff of the Department of Physical Education, a health contest was organized for the faculty employees.
According to the TU members, it is a good thing for the trade union bureau to organize weekend tours. Each new trip filled the hearts with pride for Ukraine! With the assistance of Rector Stanislav Nikolaenko and the head of the union Rostyslav Tarasenko, unforgettable trips to Kaniv, Kozelets, Butskyi Canyon, Baturyn, Chernihiv, Sedniv took place. Many thanks to the Rectorate and the head of the University union for their assistance in funding the field trips.

The modern TU is a mobile, consolidating body. The essence of which is to help people. Therefore, an important area of trade union activity is charity. Assistance to OOS soldiers affected orphanages in Ichnya has become a tradition of mercy for our faculty. For two years in a row until St. Nicholas Day and at Easter together with instructors and students of the Faculty of Food Technology, led by Dean Larysa Bal-Prylypko, we have been holding a charity action "Give Children a Feast", which aims to support children from the pediatric ward of the Kyiv City Oncology Center. The organizers understand that gifts, a holiday twice a year will not help solve all problems, but the action is based on the ancient Ukrainian traditions of humanism and charity. It is nice to note that every year more and more indifferent people join it.
The evidence that we develop into a faculty family every year is the fact that for two years in succession we celebrate, as a faculty family, the New Year holidays, always together cheering for a team of students of our faculty, which won the second place for the second time at the Holosiivska vesna, and an academic group of journalists won the first place in the Song Battles.

An important function of the trade union committee is to monitor the observance of safe working conditions at the University. In today's environment, employees have to do their job in a context where technological processes have a variety of human factors of influence. The Occupational Safety and Health Committee constantly reviews the state of occupational safety, the presence of harmful and dangerous conditions that can adversely affect the health of workers, which allows the development of special measures for the safety of work together with the University's department of work, preventing industrial injuries and accidents.
Many good deeds and endeavors at the faculty were initiated and assisted by our dean Vasyl Shynkaruk. His ideas and suggestions always find support in the team, and the spirit of corporate, openness to communication promotes understanding and formation of a healthy climate in the team.
During the discussion of the report, there were approving comments on the work of the trade union bureau of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, proposals were made to preserve in the new collective agreement the points on the organization of recreation and rehabilitation of employees, children, and entry of points about possible health insurance.
After the election of the new composition of the trade union office, the election of the chairman took place. The head of the philosophy department Inna Savytska was unanimously elected the head of the trade union bureau of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics. She thanked everyone for their support and trust and said, “The main thing is that we have a “sense of united family” - belonging to the collective of people of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics of NULES of Ukraine »!
The final issue was the election of delegates to the University's 27th election-union conference and the awarding of the most active members of the union for active community service.


The work done is a credit to the whole team of both students and professors. However, we must not stop there. We must be a single faculty family - united, responsible, confident in the future, so given the suggestions of union members for the future, the trade union bureau will continue to focus on working in the direction of protecting the rights and interests of union members, meeting spiritual needs, addressing spiritual disorders health care and health improvement of fellow citizens, tutoring of privileged categories of students, intensification of work on encouraging veterans of work and talented young scientists, promoting the organization and financing of cultural events and excursions. We live by the needs of the team, we are united by the warmth of our hearts! With unceasing love and pride for our University, for our Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics, which in recent years has become one of the first and the best in the University.
In collaboration with the administration, we are making one big common cause and we are going to succeed. After all, our strength is in unity!

Valentyna Kultenko,
Associate Professor of Philosophy of the
Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics

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