Masters-managers have been the first among humanitarians to submit poster reports

16 жовтня 2019 року

On October 15, 2019, a poster presentation of the master's papers of students of specialty 073 "Management" of the educational program "Management of the educational institutions" was held in the presence of scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Management and Educational Technologies of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics: Head of the Department, Professor Zhuravska N.S., Associate Professors Bilan L.L., Rudyk Y.M. and Yakovleva V.A..

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The works presented for defense investigated the actual problems of managing the educational establishment, developing and substantiating the feasibility of implementing a strategic plan for quality management of education.

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During the preliminary defense of the results of the master's studies, the Head of the educational and methodological department of NULES of Ukraine, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Klikh Larysa Volodymyrivna was present; she emphasized that the future specialist of the educational program "Management of the educational institutions" should have strong modern knowledge and skills of innovative character, apply them and be able to produce new knowledge, successfully solve professional management problems. She wished the students a successful work and emphasized that the poster presentation was a big step towards a successful defense of the Master's papers in the near future, and added that young scientists would have a complex of competencies in preparing, writing and defending their scientific works.

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During the preliminary defense, the Masters presented a variety of research topics:  "Management of innovative activity in the educational institution", "Formation of professional responsibility of the educational institution faculty", "Monitoring activity in the educational institution", "Formation of a favorable moral and psychological climate in the collective of the team”, "Management of educational and methodological support of activity of educational institution", "Development of personal qualities of the head as a means of increasing the efficiency of management of the educational institution faculty”, “Developing an effective educational institution development strategy”, “Forming an effective system for managing strategic changes in educational institution development”, “Forming an effective educational institution corporate governance mechanism”, “Ways to increase the educational institution's competitiveness in the conditions of modern reforming of Ukrainian education", "Formation of image of educational establishment as a factor of increasing its competitiveness in the conditions of modern reforming of education of Ukraine”, “Modern innovative management in improving the efficiency of educational institution”, “Improving the management of advertising activity of educational institution”, “Influence of leadership style on the social and psychological climate of the teaching staff”, “Authority of the head of educational institution and his/her influence on the teaching staff”.

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During the defense the speakers were asked a number of questions regarding the scientific apparatus, methodology, methods of research, stages of scientific research, stages of experimental work, implementation of scientific results. The scientific and pedagogical staff of the department, as well as the members of the commission, paid attention to the quality of presentation materials, namely the posters and the ability of future heads of educational institutions to present the results of the research conducted.

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During the defense, in discussing the results of the Master's studies, there was an interesting and intense scientific discussion that addressed a number of issues regarding the peculiarities of the management of the educational institutions.

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Professor of Management and Educational Technologies of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogics
Nina Zhuravska

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