Cтатті НПП кафедри адміністративного та фінансового права у виданнях, що входять у науково-метричні бази Scopus і Web of science

18 жовтня 2019 року

Cтатті НПП кафедри адміністративного та фінансового права у виданнях, що входять у науково-метричні бази Scopus і Web of science


1) Volodymyr Kurylo, Vyacheslav Bogdanets, Liudmyla Kurylo. Land use of frontier regions of Ukraine: Social and economic Patterns // Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences 120 (2014) 157 – 166
web of science DOI: 10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.02.092
2) Kurylo V., Kurylo L., Zhovnirchyk Y., Kartashov Y. The development of the insurance market of Ukraine amid the global trends in insurance // Investment Management and Financial Innovations. Volume 14, Issue 1, 2017. – Р. 211-216. Scopus
http:// businessperspectives.org/journals/investment-management-and-financial-innovations/issue-249/the-development-of-the-insurance-market-of-ukraine-amid-the-global-trends-in-insurance
3) Kurylo V.,Bogdanets V.,Pantaliienko P.,Ovcharuk S. Lend fragmentation in Ukraine: agricultural lend-use management and jurisprudence issues // Problems and Perspectives in Management. Volume 15, Issue 2, 2017. – Р. 102-109. Scopus
4) V.I.Kurylo, I.V.Gyrenko, V.V.Mushenok. Tax burden as a disincentive factor of agricultural production development in Ukraine // Науковий вісник Полісся. №1 (13). Ч .2. 2018. C. 85-90. Web of science
5) Harust Y., Kurylo V., Kyselova О., Pavlenko B. Medicine and Humankind in an Ancient Times: Histo-rical and Legal Aspects of Joint Development. International Journal of Advanced Biotechnology and Research (IJABR), Special Issue-1, 2019, pp. 559-571. Web of science http://www.bipublication.com
6) Курило В.І., Гиренко І.В., Кравчук М.Ю., Українська мова як соціокультурний та правовий феномен. Вісник Національної академії керівних кадрів культури і мистецтв : наук. журнал. 2019. № 2. С. 65-69. Web of science
7) Kurylo V., Duliba Ye. Tax disputes and case law of the European court of human rights concerning taxation: collective monograph “The Development of global science”, London, Great Britain, "Sciemcee Publishing” . 3. 2019. Р. 37-41. Web of science
8) Yara O., Deineha M., Hubanova T. Socio-economic and legal aspects of environ mental crime in Ukraine/ O. Yara, M. Deineha, T. Hubanova // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 3 (2017) No. 5, p. 109–115. Scopus
9) Yara O., Hubanov O., Hubanova T. Legal regulation of European Commission assistance within TAIEX, which provided with a view to bringing Ukrainian legislation closer to European Union law (acquis communautaire) in the field of public service / O. Yara, O. Hubanov, T. Hubanova // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 4 (2018) No. 1, p. 123–128. Scopus
10) Yara O., Hubanov O., Hubanova T. Improvement of the activities of state authorities of Ukraine, which are responsible for adapting national legislation to EU legislation in the field of public service/ O. Yara, O. Hubanov, T. Hubanova // Baltic Journal of Economic Studies, Vol. 4 (2018) No. 2, p. 17–21. Scopus
11) Yara O., Uliutina O., Golovko L., Andrushchenko L. The EU Water Framework Directive: Challenges and Prospects for Implementation in Ukraine / O.Yara, O. Uliutina, L. Golovko, L. Andrushchenko // European Journal of Sustainable Development (2018), 7, 2, p. 175-182. Web of Science https://apps.webofknowledge.com/full_record.do?product=WOS&search_mode=G...
12) Yara O., Ladychenko V., Golovko L., Serediuk V. Groundwater Management in Ukraine and the EU / O.Yara, V. Ladychenko, L. Golovko, V. Serediuk // European Journal of Sustainable Development (2019), 8, 2, p. 261-267. Web of Science
13) Yara O., Ladychenko V., Melnychuk O., Kanaryk J. International Mechanism of the Environmental Information Access and Cooperation Framework for Climate Change Protection / O. Yara, V. Ladychenko, O. Melnychuk, J. Kanaryk // European Journal of Sustainable Development (2019), 8, 4, p. 131-139. Web of Science
14) Ladychenko, Viktor; Yara, Olena; Uliutina, Olena; et al. Environmental Liability in Ukraine and the EU. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT Volume: 8 Issue: 2 Pages: 261-267 Published: 2019.
15) Gulac O., Dubchak L., Iarmolenko I., Yanchuk J. (2019) Cooperation of Ukraine and the European Union in the Ecological Sector: Directions and Prospects. European Journal of Sustainable Development. Volume 8, № 1, pp. 22-30. Web of science
URL: http://ojs.ecsdev.org/index.php/ejsd/article/view/762
16) Gulac O., Goshovska V., Goshovskyi V., Dubchak L. (2019) New Approaches to Providing of Environmental Management in Ukraine on the Way to Euro Integration. European Journal of Sustainable Development. Volume 8, № 2, pp. 45-56. Web of science
URL: http://ecsdev.org/ojs/index.php/ejsd/article/view/793/788


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