Barcelona welcomed the “7-step art studio”

3 жовтня 2019 року

the violin started playing with fun and confusion,
A wonderful melody is flowing up.
The bow touches the strings carefully,
To the heart strange sounds were poured.
The violin sings, laughs merrily
And everything around comes to life.
Will cry at once, and sadness will echo,
And you think the violin is alive.

Such words were presented at the 5th International Festival of Ukrainian Culture in Spain by a participant of the Art Studio "7 steps" under the guidance of Associate Professor of the Department of Cultural Studies, Honored Artist of Ukraine Roman Rudyi Karolina Kuzniuk who is a 2nd year student of the Faculty of Information Technologies of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine.


The Departnment accepted the talented girl into its arms before she became a student: her older brother Davyd was a member of the male vocal ensemble Amero and invited her to one of the artistic events - since then, Carolina has been a constant and unchanged participant in creative projects, parties, events. attended or held by the department. She is also the first violin of "7 steps" and the soloist of the female vocal ensemble "Oktava". But at the festival in Barcelona, she still tried herself as a model at the Ukrainian embroidery show.


The organizers - the Ukrainian Association "Dzherelo" in Barcelona and CO "Academy of Modeling Success" invited Karolina to the Festival. This year it was held in three cities - Salou, Malgrad de Mar and Barcelona itself. It was there that our student represented our university and Ukraine. "The participants of the festival were greeted by the Mayor of Salou, Consul General of Ukraine in Barcelona, the chairman of the Ukrainian source association," Karolina recalls. - There were a lot of concert performances (including songs, dances and instrumental music), but even when we were doing rehearsals, they turned into concerts because they were attended by listeners and spectators everywhere, giving us applause and enthusiastic exclamations. And we, the participants, were not lacking emotions, but to tell about it is difficult, it is necessary to feel!"

Karolina Kuzniuk was called a sensation of the festival by the co-founder of the Academy of Modeling Success, Lyudmyla Skytenko. "This is a talented and soulful girl, her voice and violin are truly adorable," Olha Dzuban, the head of the Ukrainian Association "Dzherelo", said in the comments about the festival participants.


And we congratulate Karolina and her mentor Roman Rudyi with success on the international arena and wish them creative inspiration!

Iryna Maidanyuk,
Head of the Department of Cultural Studies

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