VLAD ALYOSHYN - winner of the second stage of Ukrainian Student Olympiad on discipline "ORGANIZATION AND METHODOLOGY OF AUDIT"

12 квітня 2019 року

 The Faculty of Economics of NULES of Ukraine was represented by three masters: Vladislav Alyoshin, Diana Bilodon, and Alyona Sidorkina under the direction of Doctor of Economics, Professor of Accounting and Taxation Department Lyubov Gutsalenko.


The Olympiad took place in stages and consisted of 3 rounds: The first round - theoretical, which involves knowledge of the legislative and regulatory framework, the system of regulations, professional terminology; ІІ tour - answering the test tasks in the LMS / Moodle software; The third round was practical in nature using the case method, where it was proposed to solve a problematic situational problem. Casey is based on the actual factual material of the company and the audit firm.

Students of NULES of Ukraine showed a high level of knowledge in the discipline "Organization and methodology of audit" and got the experience of self-realization in the conditions of strict competition, which inspires professional growth and development of professional qualities, creative abilities, self-expression in future professional activities.


   According to the results of the II stage of the Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the discipline "Organization and Methods of Audit" Vladislav Alyoshin received a diploma of the III degree and a certificate giving the right to free passage of the course on work in the software of Case Ware during 2019. It should be noted that V. Alyoshin has been studying at the International Auditing Company HLB UKRAINE - a division of the head office of the HLB International network (London, UK) for more than a year, whose representatives are members of the Department of Accounting and Taxation of the Faculty of Economics.


   We express our sincere gratitude to the Managing Partner of HLB UKRAINE V. Bondar for the professional support of the students of the Faculty of Economics and to enable them to grow professionally in the chosen specialty and achieve victories.

We thank the administration of NULES of Ukraine and the Faculty of Economics for the trust and provided the opportunity to represent the University at the Ukrainian level! Special words of gratitude are addressed to the organizer of the Ukrainian Olympiad - Mykolayiv National Agrarian University - for a high level event, hospitality and rest, donated to participants in the city of ships - Mykolayiv !!!

L. Gutsalenko 




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