Students of NULES of Ukraine took part in the II stage of the Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the discipline "Accounting in banks"

5 квітня 2019 року

 April 3, 2019, the II stage of the All-Ukrainian Student Olympiad on the discipline "Accounting in banks" was held. The partners of the event were: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and KPMG Audit Companies, as well as the Association of Certified Chartered Accountants (ACCA). The jury of the Olympiad includes leading Ukrainian research and teaching staff in the field of accounting led by member of the Supervisory Board of the National Bank of Ukraine V. Rychakivska.


    Participation in the Olympiad, which was held for the first time in the discipline "Accounting in banks" was carried out in conditions of intense competition. Before the participants were asked situational tasks of accounting and analysis in banks, the formation of reporting of banking institutions. According to our student students, Svetlana Zheleznyakova, Kateryna Lozotskaya and Alyona Sidorkina - this is a rather difficult competition in the ownership of the methods underlying the display of specific activity of banks in their accounting system, the ability to interpret, analyze and use the information contained in the Bank's financial statements for making economic decisions. At the same time, this is another way of expanding professional competencies, developing personal qualities, creative abilities and competitive testing on the dynamism and diversity of professional adaptation in future activities.


     A. Sidorkina was awarded with a diploma in the nomination "Logically structured approach", Svetlana Zheleznyakova and Kateryna Lozotskaya received certificates of participants of the Olympiad.

N. Kuzyk

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