Diagnostic expert center and laboratory support "BioLightS" opens the door for students of the faculty of veterinary medicine.

15 квітня 2019, 13:10

Within the framework of the study program of the discipline "Clinical laboratory diagnostics", associate professor of the department of biochemistry and animal physiology named after Academician M.F. Gulyi Valery Tsvilikhovskiy on March 27, 2019, conducted a visiting lesson on the basis of the expert center for diagnostics and laboratory support "BioLightS" for students of the faculty of veterinary medicine ("Magister", specialty 211 - Veterinary Medicine, specialization "Veterinary Laboratory Diagnostics").
Theme of the lesson: "Electrophoretic research methods".

Diagnostic expert center and laboratory support "BioLightS" is located in the Baryshivka urban village, Kyiv region and specializes in providing laboratory diagnostic services in veterinary and food industry. Laboratory base has unique for Ukraine equipment, some devices are the only in the country.
In the introductory part of the visit, the director of the laboratory, Olga Martynenko, acquainted students with the structure and basic scientific and production activities of the laboratory, with its departments and methods of modern laboratory research.

Olga Martynenko and specialists of the expert center focused on chromatographic, spectral, titrimetric, molecular-diagnostic, immunoenzyme, microbiological and pathological-morphological studies of the laboratory.


Plasma Quant 9000 Elite atomic emission spectrophotometer with inductively coupled plasma, manufactured by Analytik Jena AG


We would like to express our deep gratitude for the organization and warm welcome to Martynenko Olga, director of the Diagnostic expert center and laboratory support "BioLightS".

Associate Professor Valery Tsvilikchovsky

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