The 2nd National Round Table "Fires in the Natural and Cultural Landscapes of Ukraine: Developing a National Policy for the Wildfires Management" – announcement

3 березня 2019 року
Kyiv, Ukraine

According to the results of the National Round table on "Fires in the Natural and Cultural Landscapes of Ukraine: Developing a National Policy for the Wildfires Management", which took place on October 26, 2017, on the basis of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, on the basis of the decision taken by the participants of the Round Table a project was developed. The Law of Ukraine "On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Immediate Elimination of the Crisis Situation Due to Forest Fires".

The initiator and organizer of the round table is the Regional Eastern Europe Fire Monitoring Center with the support of the Global Fire Monitoring Center (GFMC) and the Council of Europe.


Continuing activities aimed at solving the problem of agricultural fires, that not only affect carbon emissions, but also often cause forest fires. On April 9, 2019, the 2nd National Round Table will be held at the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, during which the draft Law of Ukraine "On Amending Certain Legislative Acts of Ukraine Concerning the Immediate Reaction to the Crisis Situation Due to Forest Fires" will be discussed.

You can access the draft Law by the link – sites/default/files/u184/proekt_zu_pro_vnesennya_zmin_shchodo_silskogospodarskih_zahodiv.pdf
Comparative table of the draft law – sites/default/files/u184/porivnyalna_tablicya_zu-pro_vnesennya_zmin_shchodo_silskogospodarskih_paliv.pdf
Information about the First National Round Table –


Contact information of the coordinator:

Sergiy Zibtsev, Head of REEFMC,
Professor of the Department of Silviculture
Education and Research Institute

of Forestry and Park Gardening, NUBIP of Ukraine
Кyiv, 03041,  Ukraine
Phone Numbers: +38-044-527-82-82

e-mail: [email protected]


Sergiy Zibtsev, Head of REEFMC,
Professor of the Department of Silviculture
Education and Research Institute
of Forestry and Park Gardening, NUBIP of Ukraine

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