Training for forest firefighters in the Rivne Natural Reserve

21 лютого 2019 року
Sarny city

Employees of the Regional Eastern European Fire Monitoring Center, scientific and pedagogical staff of the Department of Forestry of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine Sergiy Zibtsev, Oleksandr Soshensky and Vasyl Gumenyuk conducted a training on February 21: "Increasing the individual fire safety, effectiveness of prevention, detection, response and extinguishing of fires in the conditions of the Transborder Ramsar territory "Olmany-Pererobody" for the employees of the state forest protection of the Rivne Natural Reserve, as well as for representatives of the regional department of the SNS of Ukraine, the united territorial communities, Rokitnyansky and Dubrovytsky forest enterprises.

 The training was organized within the framework of the EU project "Creation of conditions for joint management and sustainable use of natural resources of the wetland" Transborder Ramsar territory "Olmany - Perebrody".
The aim of the training was to improve the theoretical and practical level of action of forest firefighters and fire extinguishing managers in the organization of forest fire protection, safe fire extinction, fire behavior prediction based on weather conditions assessment, strategy selection and fire suppression tactics. The training took place in the form of reports and implementation of practical tasks based on the presented material.


Fullbright scholar MS from the United States, Alaina Mallette, also took part in the training. She delivered the report "The experience of natural disaster management in the USA and Mexico," that introduced Incident Command System (ICS), which is being used in the United States.

 Training program- sites/default/files/u184/programa_treningu_21.02.19_rpz-v.5_0.pdf


Oleksandr Soshenskyi, Vasyl Gumeniyk, staff
of the REEFMC, the Forestry Department of NUBiP of Ukraine

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