Materials of Forum AgroEnergyDAY

30 жовтня 2018, 8:41
м. Київ


Materials of Forum AgroEnergyDAY,


International Forum of bioenergy technologies and alternative energy "AgroEnergyDAY 2018" took place in frames of the 12th International exhibition of agricultural machinery and equipment "InterAgro". Forum united more than 100 participants.

Presentations of speakers of the 1st day according to the Program:

1. State policy of Ukraine on bioenergy development - Yurii Shafarenko, Director of RES Department of SAEE of Ukrainе (in Ukrainian)

2. Bioenergy development of Ukraine - state of the art and prospects - Georgii Geletukha, Head of the Board of PU "Bioenergy Association of Ukraine" (in Ukrainian)

3. Bioenergy cooperative: a tool to form energy independent community - Stanislav Ignatiev, Executive director of the Institute for sustainable development,
founder of the Kharkiv energy cluster (in Ukrainian)

4. Biogas energy - driver for sustainable development of agricultural enterprises - Yurii Epshtein, Director of Accord Ltd (in Ukrainian)

5. Experience of implementation of the alternative energy projects of the agroindustrial holding MHP - Ivan Traksler, Director of MHP Eco-Energy LLC

6. Current trends and equipment in the design of plants for the production of biogas - Victor Mikhailovsky, director of LLC "Envitek" (in Ukrainian)

7. Briquetting and use of agromass in Ukraine. Prospects for farmers - Tetiana Zheliezna, expert, PU "Bioenergy Association of Ukraine" (in Ukrainian)

8. Unused straw potential as an energy carrier for grain drying and co-generation. With ZeroEmissionEnergy without burning straw, you will use it as much as possible - Matias Schlögl, Vice President of FTF GmbH (Germany)

9. Burning straw in boilers of 2-10 MW capacity - Alexander Moroz, director of the Bureau Intech Slovakia and TTS (Czech Republic) (in Ukrainian)

Ivan Rogovskii

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