International conference “Ecological and social challenges for the forests and forest management and possible solutions to them”
The international conference "Ecological and Social Challenges of the Forest" was held at the NULES of Ukraine. Participants of the conference, who were representing the whole spectrum of interests and responsibilities in forestry from scientists and educators to managers and auditors, unanimously uphold the need for introducing adaptive forest management, of course taking into account environmental and social threats.
“It is nice that among the instruments of transforming the new model of management, the main place was given to forest certification under the FSC scheme through the implementation of national standard for responsible forest management, "- said Pavlo Kravets, Director of the National FSC Representative Office in Ukraine.
Leading scientists of research institutes and higher educational institutions of forestry profile from Austria, Belarus, Italy, China, Germany, Romania, Ukraine, heads and leading forestry specialists, representatives of non-governmental organizations and forest enterprises took part in the work.
The conference was hosted by the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, the FSC National Representative Office in Ukraine, the State Forestry Agency of Ukraine, the National Forestry University of Ukraine, the Forestry Society of Ukraine, supported by the German-Ukrainian Agri-political Dialogue.
The topic of the conference covered a wide range of issues related to assessing the state of forests and forest management system, institutional and economic mechanisms of transformation of forestry to adaptive forest management.
The participants noted that climate changes are globally challenging forests and forest management. They manifest in occurrence of natural disasters such as increase of large uncontrolled forest fires, reduction of forests’ biological stability and as a consequence – mass death of forest plantations. In countries with transfer economy, namely in Ukraine, this situation is worsened by continuous process of transformation against the backdrop of exacerbation of socio-economic problems.
Following the results of the conference, the Resolution which will be sent to the state authorities has been unanimously approved.
Resolution - sites/default/files/u184/resolution_23.10.2018.pdf
Information from the FSC cite
Тranslated by Irina Zybtseva