Department of philosophy and international communication

International activities

Responsible for international activities:



Kravchenko Alla, Ph.D. in Philosophy, Associate Professor


Phone .: 527 81 50

Е-mail: [email protected]



  November 10-11, 2022.  INTERNATIONAL SCIENTIFIC AND PRACTICAL CONFERENCE “The Spiritual Code of Ukrainian Identity in the Dimension of Intercultural Communication” (to the 300th anniversary of the birth of Hryhorii Skovoroda)

 On 21th October, 2021, the workers of the department organized and conducted an International full-distance scientific and practical conference "Ukraine between East and West: problems and perspectives of intercultural communication" dedicated to the 150th anniversary of the outstanding personality in science, literature, and culture of the XX century, Ahatanhel Krymsky - world-famous Ukrainian scientist, whose name was included by UNESCO General Assembly into the list of outstanding personalities of the world, one of the founders of Ukrainian Academy of Science, orientalist, forming links between Ukrainian and foreign cultures.

   March 12-13, 2019.  International scientific and practical conference "The phenomenon of Taras Shevchenko: linguistic, historical and socio-philosophical aspects" (to the 205th anniversary of his birth)

  May 18-19, 2017. International Scientific and Practical Conference "Man, Society, State in Philosophical Discourse: History and Modernity" (to the 60th anniversary of the Department of Philosophy of the NUBiP of Ukraine)


 On February 19, 2021, an open lecture and an informal online meeting of teachers, graduate students of the department, students of the "International Relations" specialty, scientific and pedagogical workers, and graduate students of various faculties of NUBiP with the famous Lithuanian diplomat Egidius Vareikis took place based on the Department of Philosophy and International Communication of the Humanities and Pedagogical Faculty.

  In order to expand cooperation in science and culture, as well as to disseminate knowledge and introduce the latest educational technologies, the Ukrainian-Chinese educational alliance "One Belt, One Road" was established on April 2, 2019. The educational alliance and the Ukrainian-Chinese trade association jointly organized educational cooperation in the arts and culture between Ukraine and China, which facilitated links with Chinese colleges and universities.




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