"NULES - my choice, my success"

18 жовтня 2018 року

Senior students need to expand, deepen and systematize knowledge about the professions received during the learning process.  In connection with this, the main areas of vocational guidance work at the humanities and pedagogical faculty with students of educational institutions attached to the faculty, namely, in Podilsky district, are vocational education, professional diagnostics and professional consultation of students.
The importance of professional orientation work with young people has an important level of professional orientation of students.  A high level of professional orientation - general and professional interests are broad, meaningful and sustained;  a system of meaningful value orientations is developed, for which there is a deep understanding of the importance of the profession both for the individual person and for the whole society.  Therefore, the modern approach in vocational guidance at the Department of English for technical and agrobiological specialties and at the faculty as a whole - personally oriented - provides timely support and development of those features and characteristics of the individual, which will be a prerequisite for the future successful professional activity, will contribute to the knowledge of the surrounding world, self-knowledge  , self-realization of personality, awareness of own role in the choice of profession.
October 17, 2018,  associate professor of the English language department for technical and agrobiological specialties Ponomarenko O.G., visited the gymnasium number 34 "Lybyd" named in  V.Maksymenko and secondary school № 193 where introduced the students of the 10th-11th forms with the structure of our university, informed about the licensed specialties, which are being taught, the priority directions of training, double diploma, the conditions of admission to our university, the developed infrastructure, cultural and mass  and sporting events, as well as invited on Open Day, which will take place on 1.11.2018.

O. Ponomarenko

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