Faculty staff of Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy take part in A Year of the French Language in Ukraine

9 вересня 2018 року


    Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin initiates A Year of the French language under the auspices of Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
    This event aims at popularizing the French language in Ukraine by means of various events and projects which will take part throughout the country.
    In summer Attaché on scientific and university relations of the French Embassy in Ukraine Sylvain Rigolet, Counselor for Culture

and Cooperation, Director of the French Institute in Ukraine Ann Duurefle and head of the educational agency Campus France Alice de Gassar conducted information days and scientific and practical seminar for representatives of Espace Campus France Ukraine and French teachers to popularize the French language, to organize joint projects, to create possibilities of internship in French universities and further use of a foreign language in professional work. Nataliia Rudnytska, an assistant professor of the department of foreign philology and translation, participated in this seminar.

     Faculty of the Humanities and Pedagogy has long ties with French-speaking organizations. The department of foreign philology and translation plan to conduct a number of seminars and thematic meetings to present the culture of France. Our teachers, together with global organization Campus France Ukraine are preparing for seminar «French intercultural communication: language – culture – personality» which will take place in NUBiP of Ukraine.

     We invite everyone to take part in events. The French language, French rich culture and fascinating personalities will impress you!

Nataliia Rudnytska, 
an assistant professor of the department 
of foreign philology and translation

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