Курси по радіоекології(9-25 січня 2019 року) Осло

29 серпня 2018 року
CERAD пропонує інтенсивні курси з радіоекології (5 ECTS) та експериментальної радіоекології (10 ECTS). Курси будуть проходити паралельно протягом 2,5 тижнів з 9 січня по 25 січня 2019 року в NMBU (Campus Aas), 30 хвилин на поїзді на південь від Осло. 


Lectures and 4 laboratory exercises are the same for the 2 courses. The course in Radioecology (5 ECTS) only requires participation in the laboratory work and a short lab report form, whereas the Experimental Radioecology (10 ECTS) includes an extensive lab report and a term paper. All teaching will be in English.


During the courses, students will obtain knowledge about:

  • Radioactive sources and understand the transport of radioactive substances in various ecosystems with special focus on physico-chemical forms (speciation) and their influence on mobility and biological uptake
  • The basis for environmental impact and risk assessments and be able to conduct radioecological studies using tracer techniques, radiochemical separation techniques and advanced measurement methods
  • Environmental impact and risk assessments and the use of effective countermeasures, i.e. competence that is needed within national preparedness associated with radioactive contamination
  • How to prepare and deliver effective oral and written presentations of technical information and scientific results.

The students will learn to think critically and solve complex and multidisciplinary problems, as well as learn to accurately interpret current research literature.


Programme for the courses can be found here


Why study Radioecology?

  • There is an urgent need for university trained candidates within radioecology
  • Radioecology or environmental radioactivity is the science that forms the fundament for assessing risks of radioactivity to humans and the environment.
  • Radioecology deals with a continuum that starts with releases of radionuclides from a source, continues through the dispersal and retention of the contaminants by various transport and transfer processes, and ends with the determination of dose to be used to assess risks to human populations and to ecosystems.

What is Radioecology? (video)


Potential Working Positions


The courses in Radioecology will also be of relevance to those who wants to work within:

  • the nuclear industry and nuclear fuel cycle operations
  • environmental regulation and management (ministries, directorates)
  • radiation protection authorities
  • non-nuclear industries with radioactivity in raw materials and releases (oil and gas industry, road construction, mining industry, forestry, etc)
  • decommission of nuclear facilities
  • nuclear waste storage
  • radioactive contamination and clean-up, remediation

The courses in Radioecology will also be of relevance for those who want to:

  • Enter PhD programmes within nuclear sciences
  • Apply for research positions at institutions with research programs within nuclear and environmental sciences.

On photo above: μ-XAS-tomography of an oxidised fuel particle released during the fire in the Chernobyl reactor (Salbu et al., 2000). (Left) 3-D rendering of tomographic slices showing the surface of the particle. (Right) Computerised slicing of the 3-D image of the oxidised fuel particle.

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