Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products

Faculty today




      To use the intellectual baggage of the scientific and pedagogical staff of NULES, expand the areas of scientific and educational activity, coordinate scientific and research, design, technological work, information, advisory and service support for food production industries, to strengthen the educational, scientific and innovative components at the university regarding the quality of bioresources and life safety, and based on the decision of the Academic Council and the order of the rector dated February 16, 2001 No. 15 and based on the decision of the Academic Council of the university dated April 29, 2010 No. 9, the Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products was established.

      The Faculty of Food Technology and Quality Control of Agricultural Products is the main educational and scientific unit of the university, which provides training for students of the Bachelor's degree in specialty 181 "Food Technology" (Food Technology; Technology of Health-improving Food Products; Technological Expertise, Quality and Safety of Food Products; Restaurant Technology), 229 "Public Health" and the Master's degree in specialty 181 "Food Technology" with specializations "Technology of Storage, Preservation and Processing of Meat", "Technology of Storage and Processing of Aquatic Bioresources", "Nutritology" and 152 "Metrology and Information and Measuring Equipment" with specialization "Quality, Standardization and Certification".

 The main tasks of the faculty include:

  • Organization and implementation of high-level educational, scientific, scientific-methodical and cultural-educational work with full-time and part-time students, students of the faculty of advanced training of personnel in the agro-industrial and environmental sectors and other units of the University that provide educational activities.
  • Conducting relevant scientific research in priority areas of production and science and wide implementation of the results obtained in production and the educational process.
  • Training, retraining and advanced training of scientific and technological personnel and agricultural workers.
  • Creation, systematic updating and improvement of the educational and laboratory base, methods of experimental research and technical means of training, computerization and informatization of the educational process.
  • Organization of the educational process aimed at training highly qualified specialists who must organically combine high general education with deep theoretical and professional knowledge, be widely educated in world and national culture, possess the skills of continuous spiritual and physical improvement, individual and collective professional activity, as well as community service.
  • Preparation, publication and sale of educational, scientific, educational and methodological literature and other publishing products.
  • Organization and conduct of scientific, research and publishing activities on standardization and quality management of agricultural products, processes and equipment for processing and storing agricultural products, etc.
  • Organization and implementation of innovative activities in agricultural processing industries, implementation of theoretical and practical results of scientific research in the field of quality and safety of food products, quality management and environmental management, standardization and certification of agricultural products and modern management systems at enterprises of the industry.
  • Organization and implementation of research activities in the direction of harmonization of national standards to the level of international ones for food and technologies of its production and processing; improvement of the requirements of national standards for management systems that would ensure rational use of resources and meet high requirements for product quality in agricultural industries; popularization among producers and specialists of scientific and practical principles of quality management as the basis for systematic and effective development of the industry; improvement of the procedure for conducting a third-party conformity assessment procedure in order to provide consumers with an accurate, truthful and objective assessment of the object of research.
To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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