Specialty 073 "Management" Educational Program "Management of an educational institution"

25 травня 2018 року

Specialty 073 "Management" Educational Program "Management of an educational institution"


Quality education is the key to the welfare of the nation!

Department of teaching methods and management of educational institutions

National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine

invites you to obtain Master’s degree

in specialty 073 "Management" the educational program "Management of an educational institution"

The purpose of studying on the educational program "Management of an educational institution" is formation of the knowledge necessary for managing various types of educational institutions in modern conditions.

Our students can do Bachelor’s degree in all specialties


National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine is a leading national research institution in the field of biotechnology, environmental conservation, food security with more than a century-old history, and is known for its rich traditions and numerous achievements.

The academic process and scientific research are provided by more than one and a half thousand teachers and scientists - among them 17 academicians, 240 doctors of sciences and professors and 920 candidates of sciences and associate professors.


The university offers programs for Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees. The best graduates can develop their research skills by continuing their postgraduate and doctoral studies. And, simultaneously, get the second higher education.


While studying, every student can take part in academic exchange programs with the best European and American universities. The University has partnership contracts with more than 50 countries of the world, implements more than 150 international cooperation agreements.


NUBiP of Ukraine provides master students with an opportunity to study at universities in the USA, Germany, Japan, Russia, Poland, the Netherlands, and, upon completion, receive a "double diploma" from a partner university.


Every year, students take industrial practices abroad - in Germany, Norway, Switzerland, Denmark, the USA, the Netherlands, France, Finland, Austria, Australia, Great Britain, Poland. In addition, NUBiP has developed partnerships with the business structures of the agroindustrial complex of the country and beyond its borders - John Dir Ukraine, Bruntaller, AMACO, Apollo. This creates additional opportunities for practical training and internships for students.


Students of the university have an opportunity to study in groups with tuition in English in 19 areas of training. Annually the list of specialties and subjects expands. Upon graduation, students receive an appropriate certificate.


17 academic buildings and 11 dormitories  are located near the cultural center of the capital in the green zone - the National Park "Golosiyevo." There are also a scientific library, student cafeteria, sanatorium, sports complex, stadium, apiary, stables and Botanical Garden in the campus. The infrastructure is also well-developed, with convenient traffic interchange, the central bus station, race track, Vernadsky National Library of Ukraine, entertainment and shopping centers, supermarkets, cinemas, cultural and art centre


The students can attend sports sections, creative and artistic groups, numerous clubs of interest, scientific circles. Leadership and managerial skills can be developed through participation in student self-government organisation and union organization of the university.


The stadium and sports complex, football, volleyball fields, as well as forest paths for morning jogging or cycling – all these facilities help students and the teaching staff to keep fit. Student competitions are held regularly in many events, and university students win prizes at Ukrainian, European and world championships.

Students of NUBiP have the opportunity to relax and gain strength in an ecologically clean area in the university sports camp "Academic" in Illichivsk on the Black Sea coast.


Diplomas of NUBiP of Ukraine are awarded to professionals in their field of business. All of them work in the leading Ukrainian and world-known companies, state institutions, public associations, research organizations, educational institutions, and the most successful alumni become leaders.


• the university teaching staff apply modern teaching methods with really practical  approach to solving a number of key challenges for each manager: strategic planning of the institution's activities, solving current problems of personnel, economic and legal support;

• Teachers have practical experience in management activities;

• special emphasis is on integration of educational activities into the European educational environment, a detailed coverage of the possibilities of international grant programs, in particular in infrastructure;

• opportunities for internships in European universities (Erasmus + program);

• the opportunity to study according to an individual plan, combining work and education;

• practice is carried out in the leading educational institutions of general secondary, vocational and higher education, scientific and methodological centres, etc.

Form of training: full-time and part-time (the state budget program and by contract.

Tuition fee. Term of study: 1,5 years


In accordance with the Rules of admission, entrance examinations for the specialty 073 "Management", the educational program "Management of an educational institution" are conducted in the form of testing on a complex of fundamental and professionally oriented disciplines and foreign languages.

Programs of entrance examinations for obtaining Master’s degree


Applicants are required to submit the following documents to the admissions committee:



Applicants for Master programs submit the following documents to the admission commission of NUBiP of Ukraine in person:

entrant’s application;

• a copy of the state standard document on the acquired educational degree and its appendix;

• 4 color photographs (3x4 cm);

• copy of the passport (1, 2 pages and registration place);

• A copy of the identification number certificate.

• a document certifying identity and citizenship, a military ticket or a certificate of registration (for the military), a state standard document on the previous educational degree (the original) and an appendix to it, are submitted in person.

Documents are submitted to:

03041, Kyiv-41, General Rodimtsev str. 19, academic building 1.

submission of documents daily from 9.00 to 18.00,

on Saturday and Sunday - from 9.00 to 14.00

lunch break - from 13.00 to 14.00.

Phones: (044) 258-42-63, 527-83-08,

(098) 660-08-48, (063) 804-49-93.

Details of the rules of admission can be found on the Admissions Committee page.


The educational program enhances professionalism of future managers, allowing them to demonstrate in practice various skills and methods of management, and contributing to their success when working for the benefit, development and prosperity of an educational institution.


• management

• pedagogy

• communication

• diagnostics

• research

All these components are essential for high-quality and efficient management, and, of course, for achieving goals, development, and efficiency of an educational institution.


• Master's Degree in Management 073 "Management" educational program "Management of an educational institution", with the qualification "Head of an enterprise, institution and organization (in the field of education and industrial training)", which opens the way for career growth;

• knowledge of the general principles of management in the education system and the peculiarities of management activity in the academic process of an educational institution;

• knowledge and practical skills in determining the development strategy of an educational institution, managing its teaching and economic activities, and ensuring a favourable psychological climate;

• development of personal managerial, communicative, leadership, organizational skills;

• skills of using modern information technologies, methods of obtaining, processing, storing and using scientific information.

• Practical team-working skills during practice and internship abroad.


1. Management of financial and economic activities

2. Personnel management

3. Psychology of management

4. Legislative base of an educational institution

5. Head of the educational institution

6. The theory of the organization and work content management

7. Management and administration

8. Management of academic and educational activities

9. Information technologies in education and automated systems of management of educational institutions

10. Business foreign language

11. Methodology and organization of research on the basics of intellectual property

12. Educational technologies

13. Strategic management

14. Educational policy and analysis

15. Management techniques

16. Education quality monitoring 

17. Education abroad

18. Administrative management

19. Organization of the activity of a comprehensive educational institution

20. Conflict management

21. Educational marketing

22. Pedagogy

23. Modern software products and Internet technologies in education

The area of ​​employment of graduates of the master's degree in the field of knowledge 07 "Management and administration" of the specialty 073 "Management" educational program "Management of educational institution" are educational institutions of various forms of ownership in the field of education and industrial training: pre-school educational institutions, general education and out-of-school institutions, training centres and institutes, higher education institutions (universities, academies, institutes, colleges); research institutes, centres, laboratories; management bodies.

Specialist in the field of education management may hold positions:

• Head of school, kindergarten school, boarding school, orphanage, centres for juveniles, special boarding school, lyceum, gymnasium, physical culture school;

• Head of an out-of-school institution;

• Director (manager, head) department, laboratory, office;

• Head of kindergarten of all types (except orphanages);

• the head (deputy head) of the educational institution and its structural unit.

For more detailed information, please contact the Department of Education Methodos and Management of Educational Institutions of the NULES of Ukraine at:

Kyiv, st. Heroiv Oborony, 15, academic building 3, room 04

Tel: (044) 527-83-56.

Head of the Department of Education Methods and Management of Educational Institutions - Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor Vasyl I. Kovalchuk

Deputy Head of the Department - candidate of pedagogical sciences, associate professor Lyudmila L. Bilan (tel. (044) 527-83-56).

Press-centreRegional Educational Institutions (синій)To Applicants (синій)

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