Get enrolled and learn successfully! Specialty: 035 Philology (translation included), first English

23 квітня 2018 року


Specialty 035 Philology (translation included), first English

Dear enrollees!

Get enrolled and learn successfully!


035 Philology


English Language

In the wake of globalization and the development of modern technology, English has conquered the world to the extent as none of the languages succeeded to do in the history of mankind. Today English is spoken by three times more speakers for whom it is the second language than by those for whom it is native.

Researchers have proven that 80% of the information is stored in the Internet world in this very language, and its volume doubles every 18 months.

In a globalized world, English is the language of intercultural communication, because regardless of who you are: a Ukrainian, an Italian, an Indian or a German, you will all be together in English. Having a good command of English means the same as being able to use a computer, a mobile phone or drive a car.

Today, English is the language of the global economy and the global business environment. More than 90% of world-renowned journals are published in English.


English is the language of famous writers and poets: W. Shakespeare, J.G. Byron, R. Burns, C. Dickens, A. Christie and many others.


German Language

German is one of the five most widely spoken languages of the world. It is spoken by about 120 million citizens from different countries. It is the official language of Germany, Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg; partly the official language in Denmark, Italy, Hungary, Romania. 32% of European Union citizens can speak German.


Polish Language

The Polish language is the language of a nation who had not been independent for 125 years, and, therefore, in a long struggle for the right to be a nation, the nation has given the world disparate persons in all areas of knowledge.


The notabilities of the Polish romanticism Adam Mickiewicz and the seven Nobel laureates, "Brother of our God" - 264th Pope John Paul II (Karol Wojtyla) this is far-incomplete list of renowned native speakers of the Polish language.


French Language

French is the language of unsurpassed literary masterpieces by the world-famous writers Guy de Maupassant, O. Dumas, J. Verne, O. de Balzac.


 The Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation is one of the graduate departments of the Faculty for Humanities and Pedagogy of the National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, which provides for the training of students of educational degrees "Bachelor" and "Master" of full-time and part-time study forms in the specialty 035 Philology (Germanic languages and literature (translation included).


• English and second foreign language (German);

• English and the second foreign language (German);

English and the second foreign language (Polish);

• English and the second foreign language (French);

• German and the second foreign language (English);

The urgency of training specialists in the specialty 035 "Philology" is stipulated by the need for translation of scientific and technical literature and documentation. It is the philologists-translators who provide oral and written translations, consult on translation issues, teach foreign languages in secondary and higher educational institutions, work in the translation agencies, organizations of industrialists and entrepreneurs, etc.

Graduates of this specialty can head PR-agencies and be engaged in marketing, work in any sphere that provides oral and written communication in foreign languages.

Today foreign languages have a special status and are the most important means of not only all kinds of international communication (random and purposeful, formal and informal, commercial-industrial, political, diplomatic, etc.), but also a means of obtaining and disseminating research and professional knowledge in general.


Specialty 035 "Philology" provides the opportunity for students of NULES of Ukraine to gain a solid knowledge of foreign philology and find promising work in state, private and foreign companies of different profile. The specifics of the profession allows you to work remotely, have a flexible working schedule.

The curriculum for master's degree in specialty 035 "Philology" with a normative term of education of 1,5 years envisages the qualification "Philologist-researcher, translator, teacher of a higher educational establishment" and mastery of fundamental knowledge in several foreign languages (English-German, English-French, English-Polish), which graduates can use professionally in various spheres of scientific, pedagogical and translation activities.

One of the important components of the content of studying in the magistracy is the cycle of disciplines, which provides the professional training of foreign language teachers and translators. This cycle includes lectures and practical classes on pedagogy, psychology and methods of teaching foreign languages, as well as production assistant and translation practices. The psycho-pedagogical cycle of disciplines provides both the fundamental theoretical and practical training, as well as the development of the basic vocational and pedagogical skills necessary for their further work as teachers of foreign languages and translation.





- mastering a promising specialty;

- obtaining profound professional, informational, and legal knowledge;

- obtaining a double diploma (NULES of Ukraine and a foreign higher education institution);

- obtaining several qualifications;

- in-depth study of foreign languages;

- possibility to study for a shorter term;

- possibility to study at the military department;

- possibility to engage in scientific work;

- a chance to realize one’s own organizational skills and creative potential in the bodies of student self-government;

- possibility to continue studying abroad;

- the prospect of employment in the institutions of all forms of ownership;

- obtaining an international certificate of a foreign language.



- scientific library;

- access to the Internet;

- hostel

- first aid station;

- a dining room, a cafeteria;



- sports in various sections, participation in sports competitions;

- participation in circles, collectives, studios and clubs: vocal, choreographic, musical, theatrical, artistic;

- botanical garden;

- regular excursions round Ukraine and abroad.



More information about our faculty can be found at the link:, and you can watch our video.

Faculty Address: 03041, Kyiv, Heroiv Oborony Str., 15,

study building No 3, r.101, tel. (+380 044) 527-80-83,, [email protected]


If you want to become a competitive expert in English, German, French and Polish and translation, work in prominent European and Ukrainian corporations or build a career in the sphere of education, ENTER OUR FACULTY.

We will help you to realize your dreams and aspirations, to become the elite of a new generation of Ukrainians!

With the help of our highly qualified instructors, you will become an outstanding specialist in Romance-Germanic, Polish philology and translation, will be able to take an overseas internship (UK, USA, Germany, Poland, China, etc.), to receive prestigious highly paid work.

The training takes place according to the state order and under the terms of the contract.

Training period

Applicants to "Bachelor" education level submit the following documents:

- application for entry;

- a document on education and its annex;

- 6 color photographs, size 3x4 cm;

- a copy of the passport;

- a copy of the certificate of assignment of the identification number;

- certificates of independent external evaluation (ЗНО) (on the Ukrainian language and literature (first subject); English or German language (second profile subject); history of Ukraine / mathematics / biology / geography / chemistry (third subject of choice);

Applicants to "Master" education level submit the following documents :

- application for entry;

- a diploma of education and an appendix to it;

- 5 color photographs, size 3x4 cm;

- a copy of the passport;

- a copy of the certificate of assignment of the identification number.


Address of the admission committee:

03040, Kyiv, Henerala Rodimtseva Str., 19


"Master" education level

full-time training: - educational-professional

program - 1,5 years;

educational and scientific program - 2 years;

part-time training: - educational-professional

program - 1,5 years;

"Bachelor" education level

Full-time training - 4 years;

Part-time training - 5 years;




Further details can be obtained

directly at the department of Romance and Germanic languages and translation:

Kyiv-03041, Heroiv Oborony Str., 19, study building No 1, tel. : 527-85-95


Head of the Department of Romance and Germanic Languages and Translation

Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor

Malykhin Oleksandr Volodymyrovych


To Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)Press-centre

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