Ukraine – Poland: training for project managers in Slupsk business-incubator

17 травня 2018 року

Studying in magistracy “Management on investment activities and international projects” of the faculty of agrarian management we had an opportunity to be trained in strategic project management on the basis of Slupsk technological incubator. It was organized and held by the Polish colleagues of the Associate member of the National Academy of sciences of Ukraine, doctor in economics, professor, head of production and investment management department Lidiia V.Shynkaruk in the frames of studying according to the program of double diplomas with Pomorska academy (Slupsk, Poland).

According to the program it was planned to get acquainted with the investment activities of technological incubators of Poland to obtain experience we could implement to create investment projects on the basis of our University. We also understood lots of peculiarities of investment projects of the EU.

In particular to create the Slupsk incubator there were spent 40 million Euros and 8 years. 70% of the financing was formed by the EU expenditures and only 30% of expenditures came from business. The main advantage of the incubator is 11 Euro of rent fee for 1 square meter for three years period. It is very important for Ukraine to create such highly technological incubators not to continue the resource-oriented development. We realized the importance of investments’ involvement but unfortunately in Ukraine such financing from the EU cannot be waited for.


It was very interesting and useful to talk to the representatives of the business-incubator staff concerning the involvement of the investments through projects writing. There can be three categories of projects: Starup-projects, innovation projects and finance searching. It is also very important to confirm wide opportunities for the academic entrepreneurship on the basis of our University.



The participants of our group discussed the perspectives of the cycle of the future trainings on the basis of the Slupsk business-incubator. Due to the studying according to the double-diplomas program we obtained great experience in the project writing and understood that the youth should do both things, i.e. possess the experience of the European countries and implement the European business-culture in Ukraine.


Video from Slupsk technological incubator 


Denys Solomaha, Olha Danch 
Masters of the 1st year of education 
of the Educational program “Management of investment activities
and international projects”
Translated by Kateryna Alekseieva
Press-centreTo Applicants (синій)Regional Educational Institutions (синій)

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